2/3rds of an ounce of weed WASTED trying to decarb this month.

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
So far, have been unable to get results using an oven. I can't even be sure whether I'm over or under cooking my weed. Oven thermometer tried 250 for 30 and 240 for 40.
I've been trying citric acid too, since people seem to report it working. The four batches I made over the last 5 weeks have all FAILED miserably, and since I had some P5P, I decided to put half a gram in THAT and wait a week to see what happens.

While waiting for these other methods to work, I have been just trying different things in the oven to try to make them work.
First I used a mortar and pestle to grind the weed into a fine powder. Put it in foil, put on cookie sheet. Even at 20 minutes at 250 degrees, it burned and make sleepy weed I needed a whole gram of. I tried breaking the buds up into small chunks as many people say to do, replaced the foil and cookie sheet with a mason jar.
Still nothing.

I signed up here because this is where I can find the bad kitty smiles, and that is reputed to work, so perhaps I can get more guidance on the citric acid method.
I don't want edibles, I want weed I can drink-- I fast daily and have no use for sugar.

I found the "BADKITTYSMILES" method, I would like go into DETAIL about all of this. I think badkittysmiles may be the "404 file not found" referred to anytime someone online posts that this method works.

How about a specific pH to take the guesswork out of how strong to make the acid-- I've seen quite a number of different figures online that are said "to work." So far ZERO have.

Does the reaction need water? If so, how much? Will drying it out stop or slow the reaction? Should I perhaps continue keeping the weed moist throught the 7 days? With what? more citric acid solution? more water?

"Heating it to 180 degrees for 10 minutes greatly speeds up the process."

By how much, exactly? Ready to use after heating? Or does this just take a day or so off my week? NO ONE HAS EVER ANSWERED THIS QUESTION. I'd think it would be required information.

My weed never gets dark red, just pinking brown like in the pictures when badkittysmiles just adds everything together.
I live at 4,300 feet in an arid climate-- if atmospheric oxidation is part of the process, can this account for my failures.

Besides my STRONG distaste for burning all my weed in an oven, I am contemplating living in a van and won't have an oven, so citric acid or p5p will HAVE to work.

There's also WILDLY inconsistent information on decarbing out there.

My understanding is that you can't get a complete decarb at lower than 230 degrees F, but a lot of people say put it in a double plastic bag and boil it for an hour.

Water boils at 202 degrees where I live, but I managed to find a thing that said try boiling it t 203 for 90 minutes and at this point I am willing to try anything.

Also I have been searching for definitive an reliable information on decarbing with ctric acid and heard about badkittysmiles, for over a months and I've FINALLY found badkittysmiles recipie here! The pictures are VERY helpful, cause my shit is staying greenish brown with a slight pink color.
Also, get a couple cheap thermometers to make sure the temps in the oven are what the dial says. I have found that just because my oven beeps at 6 minutes, doesn't mean it's the right temperature. I'll let it preheat for 20-30 minutes. I also leave a few cast iron pans on the bottom shelf to help hold and regulate the heat a bit.
As I said I used a thermometer. And I know it failed because all I've eaten in the last two days is weed. Weed that was in my oven at the correct time and temperature and smelled quite wonderfully of weed. More important question is how do I know whether I overcooked my weed or undercooked it.

"I use 2oz weed to 4 cups coconut oil.. All mixed together in a crockpot and cooked on low for 6 hrs.
No need to de-carb the process does it.."

At this point I'll try anything. All I been doing is sitting around every two hours, eating more failed weed and starting the process of failing again.
insta-pot $90+
Already blew $60 on a machine that didn't work. Gonna keep experimenting. Don't know why I seem to have to re-invent the wheel here, but I guess if I want affordable weed that won't fill my lings with phlegm, I guess I need to throw a bunch away on trial and error.
Based on how sleepy I get, I'd say I'm over doing it, and I think that's because:
1. This is weed from the cut out bin in the dispensary. Probably half decarbed already just from being old.
2. Very arid climate might make the weed decarb at lower temp or for less time.
Meanwhile I'm thinking the citric acid method makes a lot more sense with the pictures and maybe I can go by visual and wait until this stuff becomes a glossy dark red paste.
Adding lecetin and ethanol, as these were missing from other methods I found online.
So the thread IS about decarbing? I almost didn’t comment thinking it was about something else. I been making edibles for some time, on my 8th batch. Decarb never fails.

At first I thought my oven was too off to decarb with but like one said, it could behave a certain way that you aren’t familiar with just yet. I used to put different higher temps and open the oven to vent out extra heat which still made good decarbed weed but found leaving it be actually works better but your mileage may vary.

In instance, set oven to 235 or 240F, wait til it beeps, my temp gauge inside oven for extra measure says indeed 235F and when oven is opened, it senses it and corrects itself. Trying to do all that opening and resetting temp just made it over correct itself and read 255F or higher deapite temp set to 220F or so.

So turns out letting oven do its thing and a temp gauge inside worked perfect, no more machines needed. I just bake 1 gram buds uncovered for 40 mins then infuse for 20min at 220F which is ok to fluctuate because it is liquid that isn’t actually reaching 220F so I stir half way through since weed and oil separates and settles.

Oven stayed reading close enough to 220F. 225F since it is slightly over correcting due to opening. All my runs go something like this and I know it worked because I am buzzin off them every time. Im on them right now and reached a level in use that I don’t smoke as much because I am buzzed enough already.

I am a huge smoker so I must be feeling good if I am not dabbing and believe me, I am! Got someone else to verify that they work too. I noticed flame in flame out applies to edibles, better weed makes for better edibles IME. I recommend trying it once, heck, it is all I prefer to eat.
Based on how sleepy I get, I'd say I'm over doing it, and I think that's because:
have you tried a lower dose and taking it with a meal? It could just be too much for your body to handle. Adding some food can delay the onset for a more smooth ride (essentially making it like a time released edible) and help avoid the sleepiness which is usually caused by too high of a dose or low tolerance
I've discovered, using my candy thermometer, that the high and low switches are reversed. high gets to 180, low gets to 225, possibly higher! Didn't want to scortch any weed!
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I think I am supposed to put it in a Manson jar and put the Manson jar in water in the croc pot, right? Not put the oil directly in the pot?
You realize you will be eating spoons of oil with this method right? unless you bake it into something

I've gotta be honest, the slow cooker method has never made a product I was happy with.. wasted a lot trying it though..

I still follow the tried and true method, decarb in a covered dish, allow to fully cool before opening grinding and adding oil and lecithin, then heating, then letting it fully cool before adding to your favorite recipe.

I do minimum 1/2oz flower to make 1/2c oil.
So far, have been unable to get results using an oven. I can't even be sure whether I'm over or under cooking my weed. Oven thermometer tried 250 for 30 and 240 for 40.
I've been trying citric acid too, since people seem to report it working. The four batches I made over the last 5 weeks have all FAILED miserably, and since I had some P5P, I decided to put half a gram in THAT and wait a week to see what happens.

While waiting for these other methods to work, I have been just trying different things in the oven to try to make them work.
First I used a mortar and pestle to grind the weed into a fine powder. Put it in foil, put on cookie sheet. Even at 20 minutes at 250 degrees, it burned and make sleepy weed I needed a whole gram of. I tried breaking the buds up into small chunks as many people say to do, replaced the foil and cookie sheet with a mason jar.
Still nothing.

I signed up here because this is where I can find the bad kitty smiles, and that is reputed to work, so perhaps I can get more guidance on the citric acid method.
I don't want edibles, I want weed I can drink-- I fast daily and have no use for sugar.

I found the "BADKITTYSMILES" method, I would like go into DETAIL about all of this. I think badkittysmiles may be the "404 file not found" referred to anytime someone online posts that this method works.

How about a specific pH to take the guesswork out of how strong to make the acid-- I've seen quite a number of different figures online that are said "to work." So far ZERO have.

Does the reaction need water? If so, how much? Will drying it out stop or slow the reaction? Should I perhaps continue keeping the weed moist throught the 7 days? With what? more citric acid solution? more water?

"Heating it to 180 degrees for 10 minutes greatly speeds up the process."

By how much, exactly? Ready to use after heating? Or does this just take a day or so off my week? NO ONE HAS EVER ANSWERED THIS QUESTION. I'd think it would be required information.

My weed never gets dark red, just pinking brown like in the pictures when badkittysmiles just adds everything together.
I live at 4,300 feet in an arid climate-- if atmospheric oxidation is part of the process, can this account for my failures.

Besides my STRONG distaste for burning all my weed in an oven, I am contemplating living in a van and won't have an oven, so citric acid or p5p will HAVE to work.

There's also WILDLY inconsistent information on decarbing out there.

My understanding is that you can't get a complete decarb at lower than 230 degrees F, but a lot of people say put it in a double plastic bag and boil it for an hour.

Water boils at 202 degrees where I live, but I managed to find a thing that said try boiling it t 203 for 90 minutes and at this point I am willing to try anything.

Also I have been searching for definitive an reliable information on decarbing with ctric acid and heard about badkittysmiles, for over a months and I've FINALLY found badkittysmiles recipie here! The pictures are VERY helpful, cause my shit is staying greenish brown with a slight pink color.
I bought the Ardent to take the guesswork out of it, design helps with the smell too. Toa tally worth it imo
I melt the oil in the pot then add the weed.. It kinda like deep fries the weed..
Strain and use in cookie recipe.. I know it's old school but been doing it this way for over 15 years..
Start on high for 2 hrs then low for 4 hrs..
op does not want to make edibles; " I don't want edibles, I want weed I can drink-- I fast daily and have no use for sugar. "

so they are looking for a way to do a tincture, caplets or just straight flower
right. I think my issue is that I'm over doing it and making CBN instead of THC because:
1. bargain basement weed. how old is it? How much of it decarbed just from the atmospheric O2?
2. arid climate-- probably decarbs weed much faster than humid climate. It is supposed to take TWO YEARS, but one guy said it took 2 months-- a guy from New Mexico, like me...
Here are things that would be helpful:
I'd like for once and for all to know if I can decarb at temperaturtes lower than 225 F. This is a point of contention with no real concrete answer... unless there is one and someone can explain it!
2. if there are visual cues to go buy, time and temp become less important. I've got a whole lot of failed citric acid experiments. NONE of them turned a dark reddish brown like in the pics. So AFTER FINALLY FINDING batkats method and seeing PICTURES, I mixed all this still rather green weed/citric acid up with lecetin and everclear and I'm just going to watch and check for the correct color and texture. There's a chance I can reclaim some lost weed that way.
too little THC or too much CBN are really hard to tell apart. I think when I overcook, I get a very mild buzz plus cottonmouth. IF THAT IS CONSTSTANT WITH ANYONE ELSE'S EXPERIENCES I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW.

I AM LITERALLY AT A STANDSTILL at oven decarboxilation.
I have an oven thermometer, I'm doing it at 240 for 40 or 250 for 30 and it has gotten down to where I'm wondering if I'm crushing my buds up too much or not enough? If I should put them on foil, in a jar, or in a foil tent? But in reality, I don't think these factors are going to matter that much and I have no idea in the whole wide world why the exact time and temperature is resulting in weed that is an ABSOLUTE DUD.

I don't want to bake weed all day and NOT get baked myself!

My background is I am an old time internet head-- used to go to JLF poisonous non consumables and post my results on Entheogen.com, okay?
And what I've noticed is that on THOSE (extinct) forums you got a LOT of reliable information on kitchen chemistry, and a lot of VERY chemical-know-how types explaining the process. Decarbing is the Easiest chemical reaction you can achieve at home, hands down. I've made many many exotic psychedelics using far trickier procedures, and I did at one time reliably make cannabis edibles, although they were consistently much weaker than smoking weed and for my whole life the claim has always been eating weed gives you more bang for the buck. My go to method was confit, but I don't recall the time and temperature I used, it is said to yield a maxiumum of 25% of the THC you should be getting, and I
Want people to understand that buying a $300 machine, or even a $90 intant pot is NOT an option-- I live on social security checks. The whole reason I want to make this shit instead of just buy it at the dispensary is because I can buy all the flower I need for a month for $100, but buying VERY WEAK edibles would cost me well over $500 a month.
I can extract mescaline from cacti. I can make ayahuasca from Carizzo grass and Syrian Rue. I have made at least half a dozen synthetic compounds... DECARBING WEED is my kryptonite.

And I have a feeling I am NEVER going to learn how to do it until I find a local who can come and take my hand and lead me into their kitchen and SHOW ME exactly how THEY do it.
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Just ate half a gram of raw, unprocessed weed, to see if my theory about it being old weed that has rapidly decarbed due to being in an arid climate. People say I am overthinking it, but I say i wouldn't have to think it over at all if it was as easy as everyone says it is!