2.7 grams per watt Leds, truth or hype?

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BK deff knows about bullshit harvest weights. Why is he wasting his days away picking on random people in here when he could be making bulk bank consulting grow houses on how to grow 950 grams per square metre.


If he lies about his harvest why were you asking him for advice? You guys have a hilarious relationship. Looks like a secret crush.

You were duped by advertising if you spent 900 bucks on those lights.

Just curious you paid $500+ for 1 260W light.

He bought 6 220W lights for $900. Who got duped?

Not only that you live in Australia where you have amazing growlights companies that make innovative horticultural products right there with diy options custom made. You asked Smoke with his expertise why didnt he build His own light. If you are such a know it all why didn't you build your own? You have multiple companies right there in Australia to help you out. I've lived in Australia don't tell me you don't have a tradie mate who could help you out? Or wait did you choose to get duped?
Qty. 6
Max- 58V
Model number? Brand? Not sure how quantity is part of the specs. Max 58v? What is the voltage range? What is the current range? Efficiency rating? I doubt they are running at 58v 5.2A because that would be 300watts.
Qty. 6
Max- 58V
Compliments on your purchase. You did good going with 6 of the 240's because you can spread them how you like versus a large high powered board that blasts intensity to a single 5x5 footprint. The versatility is lovely because you can use them for veg or flower. My 660w? It's a complete waste in a veg tent because I can only run it at 40% power before I fry everything. It's just not as versatile, and that lack of versatility limits it's use to the flower room only. And I will say I really dig those 240w boards. @bk78 offered some insight on my light setup in the 12x16 flower room where I recently added two 100w COB lights to button up a small dead light zone at the rear of my canopy. 2 of those skinny 240w qb's would snug into my dead zone spot beautifully. Like I said man they're versatile and you'll be very satisfied with your purchase as a solid long term investment. I'm buying 2 as soon as this flower cycles is over. I've been very satisfied with all of my alibaba purchases. You better share some pics after your conversion. Make me jealous :)
Model number? Brand? Not sure how quantity is part of the specs. Max 58v? What is the voltage range? What is the current range? Efficiency rating? I doubt they are running at 58v 5.2A because that would be 300watts.
What's the big concern about what I bought?
I gave you the quantity because I fucking wanted too. Plain and simple.

I haven't asked for any help whatsoever, therefore I won't be needing to provide any information you're insisting on being given because I have no use for you to have an opinion on the matter.
Compliments on your purchase. You did good going with 6 of the 240's because you can spread them how you like versus a large high powered board that blasts intensity to a single 5x5 footprint. The versatility is lovely because you can use them for veg or flower. My 660w? It's a complete waste in a veg tent because I can only run it at 40% power before I fry everything. It's just not as versatile, and that lack of versatility limits it's use to the flower room only. And I will say I really dig those 240w boards. @bk78 offered some insight on my light setup in the 12x16 flower room where I recently added two 100w COB lights to button up a small dead light zone at the rear of my canopy. 2 of those skinny 240w qb's would snug into my dead zone spot beautifully. Like I said man they're versatile and you'll be very satisfied with your purchase as a solid long term investment. I'm buying 2 as soon as this flower cycles is over. I've been very satisfied with all of my alibaba purchases. You better share some pics after your conversion. Make me jealous :)
Thank you.

I knew going into this that I wanted to have many multiple points of individually controlled lighting.
You're spot on about a 660w. I mean, why would I want to replace 2- 1kW HPS in some of the best air cooled reflectors made, with 2- single adjustment 660W leds?

To me that seems like trading a green apple for a red one.
I'm already working on how best to space them, and should have it finished later this evening with some pictures in my new journal once my new dehumidifier arrives.
Is this an LED thread? Asking for a friend.
If the thread turns into a 10+ page dumpster fire....buddy, you don't even have to ask :)

There's more civility during a Trump rally at the US capitol than an LED hardware thread on RIU. In either event grab some marshmallows, weiners, a comfy chair, and a spliff because it's gonna be a great show :)

@Johnny Lawrence there I go bringing weiners into the conversation again. Like I said. These LED threads get real. Keep a shiv close by man :)
It was supposed to be a thread asking people how much they were actually harvesting from their led lights.
Then some dipshits who can't answer a simple question decided to turn it into yet another douche bag led thread.

So yeah, just another CLOSED led thread on RIU


I'm closing this thread because the usual clan of "shame-seekers" have taken over the conversation, without adding anything but their juvenile vitriol.

Then it becomes a thread where the OP has to post stuff like this.

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