2 8-bulb T5-HO vs 1000w hps on a 4x4 cannopy?? any one have experience?


Active Member
ok this is actually a question im wondering which one would put out a higher yield?

the 2 8-bulb t-5's put out 40,000 lumens each thats 80,000 on a 4x4 area.
using the light square distance law every 6 inches the lumens from a bulb are 50 strength. and one foot away would be 1/4th power.
so in this case t-5's 6 inches away should put out 40,000 lumens on a 4x4 area or 16sq ft.

now with the 1000w hps. the high out put bulbs do about 150,000 lumens. but even at 1 foot away (which even air cooled would probably be too hot and not cover a 4x4 area properly) the lumen output should be 37,500 lumens on a 4x4 area. so shouldnt it be a better choice to go with 2 t-5HO over a 1000w hps on a 4x4 canopy? if it has any effect i am growing a screen of green on a individual bucket f/d hydro system.

has anyone tried flowering like this with the t-5's and have results they can post?

or am i missing something here?? or am i just going to have to suck it up and run the 1000w with all the vent and a/c?

any info appreciated thanks!

ben dover

Go with the T5's it'll be more work but you'll save a lot of money from not having to deal with all the other shit hid entails.


Active Member
well i am looking for even light coverage and since im doing a screen of green i dont really need much penetration, i am really wondering if anyone has results from flowering with a 8bulb 4' t5ho that i can compare to a 1000w.


Active Member
broke down and ran the 1000w hps on my 4' x 4' SCRoG grow. my god flowers are looking great, only running 4 plants and yield is looking to be good!!
pictures soon to come