2 Blueberry Beauties, One Ugly Problem. Do you know what it is?






Hi- 2 Blueberry girls at day 40 into veg. One of them has a nasty problem. I have some suspicions, but I'm not certain. I am thinking aeration is lacking and possible over-watered. I don't think I over-watered, but the aeration problem caused the 'wet' condition. First pics show what they both should look like. Last pics are the problem plant.
They are growing in 5 gal. containers with fox-farm soil mix under 6 4ft. t5's. 18/6 lights. Temps are steadily between 77 and 81. I last fed them a week ago @ 1.6 EC using Pure-blend Grow, Cal/Mag, Karma.
I transplanted a week ago from a 1 gal container and did pack the root-ball too tightly. They haven't needed watering in a week as well, but they are growing nicely as seen. The soil is slowly drying, but I am not positive that is the problem. What is???

So, help out a bud-in-need please.:blsmoke:


Hrmmm, 2 hours with no response. How should I put this...,:finger:.

I'm just going to assume that since it has been a week since I watered, it needs some nitrogen. Hope I'm right.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro
absolutly nut burn cause of your leafs were burn not yellow .
So asap flush with fresh water 3 times then start with middle nut


Well-Known Member
Any idea what the PH of that fert mix was? Some ferts drop PH quite a bit, so you may have gave them a really acidic mixture. They didn't need fed yet, not after the transplant. It wouldn't have been a bad idea to give them a light feeding before the transplant, but since they have all that fresh soil, they won't need fed for awhile. I'd foliar feed, every couple days, until ya get the problem sorted.


Hmm tips look a little crispy...might be nute burn man.
The bottom fans started fading to yellow and eventually got crispy at the ends and worked its way up. I ruled out nute-burn when the runoff showed 1700 ppm @ 6.3ph. Plus, the entire plant is a slightly lighter shade of green than the other.

I thought nute-burn would make all of the leaves start clawing up, not just the bottom? Also, wouldn't nute-burn have an instant effect instead of slowly killing the plant? Because this has been a gradual fall over the past week since I transplanted and there were no signs of the 'claw' until the last couple of days. Also, in the last couple days the shade of green in the plant has slowly faded.


Well-Known Member
Mag def. 1tsp/gal Epsom salts.

Edit: I tried growing blueberry. Had a hell of a time and in the end it was a complete abortion. Your prob should clear up.


Ok, great! Good thing I got some foot fungus a couple months back. I will try the epsom salt. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Not sure I know what you mean, but they are indoors, yes.
when you put a house plant in a new pot, would you give it nutes after that? Just trying to give some perspective. I'm no expert ofcourse and still learn everyday, but from "my own personal experience" the less nutes the better:)

Actually I just believe your roots were shocked and as always your bottom foliage showed it first it goes away quickly your fine.


when you put a house plant in a new pot, would you give it nutes after that? Just trying to give some perspective. I'm no expert ofcourse and still learn everyday, but from "my own personal experience" the less nutes the better:)

Actually I just believe your roots were shocked and as always your bottom foliage showed it first it goes away quickly your fine.
Ok, I ignored earlier comments on this subject because the new soil that was in the 5gal after transplant was used. My fault for leaving out that tidbit. Sorry for the confusion. So, yes I fed lightly and no this isn't nute-burn and you may be correct about the initial shock of the transplant also considering that I packed the rootball too tightly. But the reason I am concerned is because the plant is down to it last 2 sets of healthy fans and they are starting to show slight signs of deterioration as well.

So, I'll tackle the Mg deficiency suspicion tonight if I don't notice some improvements when the lights are back up.