2 cu ft of pro mix help

Yo I was wondering how many 5 gallon buckets would 2 cu ft of pro mix fill. I'm growing 8 plants in 5 gallon buckets so could you tell me how many bags I would need


Well-Known Member
Each bag will fill 2.5 buckets.

8/2.5=3.2 bags of pro mix. So you'll need to buy 4 unless you're cutting it with anything else.



Active Member
uhm... not always.. Promix is compacted-- so their 2 cubic feet is not the same as the 2 cubic foot bag of Fox Farm, which is already fluffed-up...

1 block of Promix SHOULD do 4 5-gallon pots once fluffed up and watered... remember- mix it with water before you plant and wear a filter-mask-- you don't want to breathe all that dust and lime! We use a 15 gallon Rubbermaid Bin and mix 1/2 a block at a time... get enough water mixed in that it is just wet enough that it'll hold together when squeezed-- then water the plants in with a mild nute solution after planting! ;)
Alright thanks and fuck the people that say look on Google these damn forums are made for people to ask questions dumbshit talking to the first guy everyone else thanks


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks and fuck the people that say look on Google these damn forums are made for people to ask questions dumbshit talking to the first guy everyone else thanks

I'm not the one asking how much soil will fill a fucking pot.

Go play on the highway kid!



Well-Known Member
well 1 bag of sunshine ...3.8 cubic feet... does 56 or so 8 inch potters (3quart).... transplants 33 plants from a 8 inch (3 quart) to a 10 inch (6.5 quart) only fills 4-5 5 gallon potters.... A 2.0 cubic foot bag would only do 1/2.... so 2 or 3... 5 gallon potters


Well-Known Member
2 cubic feet is equal to 14.96 gallons......so 3... 5 gallon potters ...you will need 2 1/2 bags of the promix so buy 3