2 day old clones in bubbleponics curling and yellowing


Active Member
hey everyone, im a noob at growing and have set up a bubbleponics system w/ a 400w HPS, and have acquired 6 white widow clones from a friend that were transplanted into rockwool friday nite (i then put them into the bubbleponics system w/ regular tap water). i woke up saturday morning and was pleasantly surprised to see how well they were looking. i started them under 24/0 lighting, and when i saw how well they were doing saturday mornin i dropped the 400w HPS to about 20" front the top of the plants. i came back a couple hours later and they had wilted considerably, so i immediately moved the light back up and set up a couple fans blowing on the plants. i moved a thermostat into the room and it was about 86 degrees, but after adjusting the fans it stays pretty constant around 84 (damn that HPS light is hot!). my question is, the leaves have mostly sprung back up nicely, however 4 of the 6 plants now have leaves that are yellow on the inside of the leaf, along the main stem of the leaf. several of the leaves are curling up on the tips as well. take a look at the pics and i appreciate any advice. :confused:



Well-Known Member
Its you water and the ph, you need to go get you some RO first choice if not some spring or distill water will do you fine. RO had excellent ph for hyrdoponic growing it will keep ypu between 5.2-5.8. Get you a ph test kit too, take a look a Roseman post on the bubblponics it has some EXCELLENT tips.!!!

Good luck ..

chronic luka

Well-Known Member
DAMN! SOME1 just straight up GAVE you 6 white widow clones.. damn u must know how to sucka dick likea mo' fucka


Active Member
i think i know someone who has the tools to test the PH, i'll give him a ring.. thx for the advice 1puff2puff3puff..


Active Member
oh and chronic[dumbass]luka, sorry to burst ur bubble, but no cocksucking was required this time.. guess ive just got some cool friends.. i mean, 6 white widow clones fo free--- DAMN! dats a friend! :joint: :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
what r u propositioning me now? u shoulda made ur expectations clear from the beginning luka! i cant be swallowin for nothing! :twisted::twisted:

but i prolly do owe u a few beers... :mrgreen:


Active Member
yo seriosly tho dookie, u saw the pics, do u think they look bad? or is that kinda normal w/ a clone? i'm a fucxin noob i dunno whats goin on!


Active Member
well, the first night i had them i had the light about 30" away (being freshly implanted clones i didnt want to overheat them), but i had no ventilation in the room whatsoever, tho i did have a digital thermometer. when i woke up sat morning they looked great, and it was about 86 degrees where the plants were. i dropped the light to about 18-20", came back a coupla hours later, and they were all wiltey and droopy-like. i freaked out and moved the light back up, and got a fan and put a fan blowing on them. now the temp is constant 84-85 degrees, w/ 2 fans blowing on them. the problem is the plants that were wiltey and droopy-like are now the ones whose leaves are yellowing and curling up.... so maybe it was heat damage and they will recover? if so how long does it usually take?