2 females and 3 males


Active Member
I am about a week and 2 days into flowering and out of the six plants i have going so far 2 are definite females and 3 are definitely males and 1 isn't showing yet. Is there anything I can get out of the males or just trash them? I heard somewhere that there is still a lil THC in the leaves of a male and u you can make tea or milk or some shit, i dunno. I was planning on throwing them away but if anyone has any other ideas for them let me know.


Well-Known Member
u can make hash but its not worth it. I'd recommend just getting rid of them. AND GET THEM AWAY FROM THE FEMALES! you dont want them pollinating them. It can happen real quick.


Active Member
yea they are out of the closet. i just hope its not to late. Is there anyway i can tell if the fems got pollinated?


Well-Known Member
Look at the nuts on your males...If you see that they are opening, then you may have a problem. Usually it takes at least a week before the males are able to pollinate. You should always take out the males right away, but I think some people stress out a little to much...


Well-Known Member
yes dispose of them, wrap them in garbage bags sealed airtight.

don't break any of the pollen sacs during this process even a few specs of dust can travel through every part of your home and penetrate the tiniest cracks.

think of it as anthrax, get it out.