2 foot plant in like a 1L water bottle under a 60watt house light!!!


Well-Known Member
how is that possible, ill try get a pic on my phone.
its sitting in my friends cupboard, he grew it from seed, its totally potbound and u can see the roots cos its a clear bottle, seriously tho make an O with your 2 thumbs and index's and thats how wide the "pot" is its in, and about 7 inches tall. the light its under is a 60 watt houshold light..
in my opinion it doesnt look SUPER healthy, but it looks fuken fine anyway, its just starting to bud.
ill post sum pics maybe this week.
i dunno how this works tho???? weird:leaf::leaf::leaf:

hahahahahahahah, fuk, not a 600watt, a 60 watt.


Well-Known Member
U did that with 1 60w light? Incadecsent? Anyway, it looks great considering the light and the pot its in. If u can get some more lights on it for flowering or it'll turn out like crap. soft white cfl's would be the cheapest way. U guys ever put it outside?


Well-Known Member
get some cfls on it incandesent light are not good for growin weed i would recamend cfls for veg and hps for flower but if money is no object use mh for veg and hps and mh for flowering


Well-Known Member
That plant wasnt grown with a 60w incandescant. Maybe a CFL or fluoro. Flowering will suck,as thats when the light intensity REALLY matters.


Well-Known Member
I tried doin my first with just one 60w grolux... It turned out to have like 10 leaves total on the whole plant at a foot tall. And I'm not counting SETS of leaves either, I'm talkin every single leaf! Needless to say i learned my lessson with that one. :wall:

It's not too late to invest in a hps!!!!


Well-Known Member
im serious, its not mine, its my friends, he doesnt know i took the pic :]
its a dead set 60 watt house light, like the 1 u find sittin on ur roof!
it sits in his cupboard, he keeps the light on all the time, but it always go's out cos were trippin over the chord.
never been outside, sits in his cupboard, it used to sit in the corner of his room with the same light and sum ally foil.
im not lying, ive told him to put it in a bigger pot and get sum proper lights, but he's like "nah fuk it"


Well-Known Member
If u wanna go cheap, get like 6-10 soft white cfl's in the highest wattage u can find. if u do this, u'll need a fan too. People do get decent yields this way, but it's hard to compare to hps. U got like a closet or somethin u can stick it in?


Well-Known Member
yea it sits in his closet, ill tell him to come to the pet shop with me n get sum lights n a fan. so wat kinda lights r best for budding u reckon? its just the 1 plant too so i doubt hes gonna send more then 20 buks.


Well-Known Member
If ur goin to the pet shop I'm assuming ur goin for flourecsent tubes that u already got a fixture for? Look for the aqarium plant lights with the highest lumen output. pretty much any will work, but look at the box and see if it says anything about blue and red light spectrums. For flowering, u want something with high levels of the red spectrum. It'd probably be cheaper to go to wall mart or home depot(they have those aquarium lights too) and gettin a bunch of cfl's, for flowering with these, u'd want the highest lumens and the highest wattage SOFT WHITE cfls.
for that 1 plant 4-6 42 watt cfls should take care of it thru budding..id rather use a hps..your freind can get a cheap hps 70 watts for 20-40 dollars...that will be much better than using cfls


Well-Known Member
I def agree there. I've only seen 100 watters here, and they want that much just for the bulb! Do they even use a ballast or are they seft ballasted? Where? I know ebay has some good deals, I got my 400whps, hood, bulb, ballast, everthing for like $150 took about a week or so to get it here. I tried pricing some out at the hydro store.... ha! This lady wanted $300-$400, just for the ballast depending on if i wanted magnetic or digital. Then another $125 for the bulb..... Hood? That would've been another $250... even the socket u crew the bulb into was sold sepatate. What a rip off!


New Member
dude... do use a favor and just smell it... haha if that thing is real then its proof that weed really will grow under even the worst conditions...