2 foot plant in like a 1L water bottle under a 60watt house light!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, what stoner would honestly take up so much effort posting up fake pictures? I'm to damn lazy to even find a link for someone that I have bookmarked, let alone post a whole god damn thread. Only reason he argues back is because its so much bullshit that people are saying. Honestly, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Grow up people, cmon.


Well-Known Member
Nah he's a liar. And kind of an internet pussy if he gets his panties all twisted because people call bullshit.

I didn't insult you fartknocker, I said maybe your friend is pulling your leg and you came back all pissy.

We'll track you down and form a local recon party to anal rape you if you rile us up here at RIU
your so hardcore aye man, faggot


Well-Known Member
Are you sure that light wasn't CFL? it looks really white in color for Incand. (I'm not calling you a liar just askin) Some CFLs come in regular light bulb styles, I've seen them in Home Depot.
nah, its an incan, when u see it in person its yellow.


Well-Known Member
he whipped out another plant lastnight, its in this little tin, like smaller then a 320g baked beans tin, and im assuming all the lower branches or... i dunno ill draw a pic, but this is wat it looks like.
its totally not to scale hahaha, but u get the idea. i started this thread to ask people if theyve ever seen anything like this, and everyone started callin me a liar, but i dont care anymore if u do that. all i wanna know is have u seen shit like this?



Well-Known Member
I've never seen it, but when I take clones i'll try growing one of em under an incadescent and see what happens to see if this could happen or not. Anyways, your friend request wouldn't come through it says something weird like your character names blahblahblah..


Well-Known Member
hahaha ok dw.
he told me he grew the first 1 i showed yas from seed in this little thing??? i dunno, but he said he left it in there way to long, then he moved it to the bottle. now he puts it outside and takes it inside at dark, i reckon its gonna have the shittest buds ever, but its not my plant, so oh well.


Well-Known Member
I only understood half of what you said. Haha. But unless its already flowering, I don't know if it'll finish off in time, because idk what outdoor growing is like cold wise, weather-wise, light-wise. So idk.


Well-Known Member
hey smokey the words on you picture are backwords, branches and leaves. branches growing out of your internodes ( where the leaf meets the main steam) is very normal if its a sativa . cutting off the leaves in my experiences has never promoted horizonal growth. all though LST, topping and super cropping will. i could probably grow a plant of that stature with 60w of clfs. and flower it with 60w cfls. but with a house light no deal. its simply not the correct light spectrum your lookin for. tell your friend to get at least 3 warm white cfls and a cheap light timer probably from walmart/ meijer, the pet store might have them im not sure tho. the pet store might have some mylar instead of using that foil. foil creates hot spots in my experience. i might only have a few posts on RIU but i have been growin inside and out for about 9 years now. its just a weed, but it does need certain things to live a good life, just as humans need certain things to live their lifes. Peace.


Well-Known Member
hey smokey the words on you picture are backwords, branches and leaves. branches growing out of your internodes ( where the leaf meets the main steam) is very normal if its a sativa . cutting off the leaves in my experiences has never promoted horizonal growth. all though LST, topping and super cropping will. i could probably grow a plant of that stature with 60w of clfs. and flower it with 60w cfls. but with a house light no deal. its simply not the correct light spectrum your lookin for. tell your friend to get at least 3 warm white cfls and a cheap light timer probably from walmart/ meijer, the pet store might have them im not sure tho. the pet store might have some mylar instead of using that foil. foil creates hot spots in my experience. i might only have a few posts on RIU but i have been growin inside and out for about 9 years now. its just a weed, but it does need certain things to live a good life, just as humans need certain things to live their lifes. Peace.
yea ive told him to get lights, he doesnt care tho, but i dont care, im startin my own grow soon, so fuk his shit incandescent grown plants that are gonna bud shit. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
That setup isn't going to work man, hate to break it to you. It's gonna let light in causing your plants to turn out hermie, and the smell will make your whole house smell like weed. Also right next to a window, just isn't the smartest Idea in the world. Good luck though.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, you gotta start somewhere, eh? I like everything else about it tho'. Haha.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, what stoner would honestly take up so much effort posting up fake pictures? I'm to damn lazy to even find a link for someone that I have bookmarked, let alone post a whole god damn thread. Only reason he argues back is because its so much bullshit that people are saying. Honestly, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. Grow up people, cmon.
haha i kno, its funny cause you can tell who is under 18 by what they post, but like what you said, fuc your friends plant haha, good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
[quote="SICC";1423770]haha i kno, its funny cause you can tell who is under 18 by what they post, but like what you said, fuc your friends plant haha, good luck on your grow[/quote]

Was that aimed as a good to me, or a bad?