2-inch baby already flowering - Highly illogical


Well-Known Member
also it has nothing to do with autoflowering once again, just cause its small people assume auto flower haha, plants have set life cycles whether there 1 inch or 50 inches theyre gonna flower when their hormones tell them to, not because there 12 inches, size means nothing, and also lights dont have to be on 12 and 12 to start flowering only to finish to 17 and 7 culd easily make them flower
no i assume its autoflower because its flowering under 17hrs light.Flowering under 17hrs, never heard of that, maybe 14. Getting preflowers isnt flowering And yes they are set to flower but they have to veg first, which would make them bigger than 2 inches


well just think of it this way, i see where your coming from with auto strain but, when u have outdoor plants if u ever have, theyll usually start budding sometime within july maybe early august at longest, when i say budding i dont mean pre flowers i mean actual buds starting to form, and i dont know exaclty what the light schedule on july 15th is, but i do know one thing, its much shorter than 12 and 12, usually gets dark around 9pm in summer and sun comes up uusally round 6 or 7, a few hrs short of 12 and 12, thats what i meant sorry to have offeneded


Well-Known Member
well just think of it this way, i see where your coming from with auto strain but, when u have outdoor plants if u ever have, theyll usually start budding sometime within july maybe early august at longest, when i say budding i dont mean pre flowers i mean actual buds starting to form, and i dont know exaclty what the light schedule on july 15th is, but i do know one thing, its much shorter than 12 and 12, usually gets dark around 9pm in summer and sun comes up uusally round 6 or 7, a few hrs short of 12 and 12, thats what i meant sorry to have offeneded
Not offended, just my thoughts, i was just saying that ive never heard of it:blsmoke:i could be wrong ive never grown outside


Well-Known Member
My outdoor plants always show preflowers in july, and start to actually bud in teh middle of august but that has a lot to do with where you live. In tropical regions the light never gets to be more than 13 hours a day but never goes under 11 hours giving a long growing season but also alowing the plants to start budding as soon as they are mature enough to, which is why sativas take so long to flower. In places like Alaska daylight swings from 24 hours in high summer to 0 in dead winter, so it all depends on where you live as to how much light you get at anytime during the year.

I have yet to see a none autoflowering strain except maybe this one that will do more that show preflowers in 18 hours of light no matter how old it is. If they really went by age and hormones then cloning normal plants would not work for the same reasons that cloning autos don't work.


yea who the fuck knows, some plants just do some crazy shit sometimes totally unexpected,woudlnt be the first time you know, just a real rarity, keep us updated and bud that shit dude lol they look cool small


Well-Known Member
Well, it's still under 17/7 light, and trichrome production is well underway.

This must be the smallest seed to weed ever produced by mankind! The plant's barely 3.5" tall.