2 lights 2 banks


Well-Known Member
If you had two banks of flowering running for 4 week harvest, and a 600 and 1000w hps would you do the 600 for the first for weeks and then the 1000 for the final four (my assumption) or the revers. This may seem like a silly question but I figured I'ld throw it out there and see if I get any debate.




Well-Known Member
Well You could either do crops of 2 different sizes... a smaller crop for the 600 & larger for the 1000. Then you don't have to move around the lights or plants. Or like you said, if you don't mind shuffling plants around you could build 1 room for 600 & a larger 1 for the 1000 (well you would do this regardless). Then assuming 8 weeks of flower you put them under the 600 for 4 weeks & then when it starts getting crowded in there @ 4 weeks you move them over to the larger room w/ 1000, so they will get more light & have more space to grow out & by spreading them out it will allow more light to get to the lower parts of the plants. @ the same time you move them over to the 1000w room, you should have another batch already vegged & ready to go in the 600w room.

I think both ways could work well, I don't have the experience to say which is better. But if you are doing the moving around thing I think you could do some larger plants. And if you didn't want to do the swicharoo thing then I would say doing 2 differnt size crops (less plants under the 600) would work well by not moving them & doing a SCROG type grow or something, jam alot of small plants in there & just grow the top canopy thru the screen & forget about the low stuff.