2 Month Old Weed Pills...


Active Member
Are they safe?

I cooked out the THC into vegetable oil and then put it into capsules should the "pot pills" I made be ok for consumption still? I left them in the car for about two months and just found them.


Active Member
No idea what it would be like for oil, but I know that weed goes moldy in as short a time as 8 weeks. If you smoke moldy weed it's common for a lung infection to occur. I would assume that if its similar you'd be better of biffing them and trying again.


Well-Known Member
It will kill you and you will grow horns and a third penis.

But seriously, you can store THC for a long time but being in the car might have killed it with the heat so all you can do is try 'em.


Well-Known Member
It will kill you and you will grow horns and a third penis.

But seriously, you can store THC for a long time but being in the car might have killed it with the heat so all you can do is try 'em.
Wouldnt the heat have to have been 200C+ to "kill" the thc?! Thats one hot car....


Active Member
taking them will just get you high once with 10$ worth of weed you can get high i wouldnt bother depending how old they are


Well-Known Member
well thc doesnt ruin at temps under 350c so they should be ok.
but they probly wont have much of an affect anyway!!!


Active Member
As with most oils taste it and if you have to spit it out then it's too rancid to eat. Even if rancid it won't hurt you. The thing I would be afraid of is that there was some pot left in the oil and it caused an anaerobic bacteria to form, hey botox is fine for an injection or 2 but it can be very nasty if you ingest it.


Active Member
They didn't do much when I ate then so I mixed them in a 50% weed oil 50% absynthe solution and soaked some kryp in it. The bowl literally lasted 24 hits as opposed to the normal ten.