2 Months 7 Days Just finished 10 Day Flush, Give them another week?


Active Member
So here are some pictures, none directly of my trichomes, but you can see their color in the picture. Under the scope they are standing up straight, and the heads are clearish to cloudy, with some looking almost completely cloudy (very few). I think it is time to harvest tomorrow (after a 10 day flush, and 2 days with the lights and fans off). If not, then I need to flip the light back on. Would like some opinions based on these pictures....

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from the non-HPS shots at least... if those are a representative sample I'd say you're quite good to go. Looks good.

Those are pictures of the buds themselves. I don't have the capability to upload scope pics is what i meant. Hopefully you're right.
I don't know. They just don't look finished to me. Finished buds are more filled out and plump than that. The pistils also recede close to the bud and shrivel up. Those are closer Han some I see in this forum but I would still give them a week or two.
Keep in mind, the structure is perfect for these genetics. This is not a sativa strain with huge colas, it is a hybrid. I think I may give them another 5 days of flushing.
The lights have been off for two days, I think they need more time, will flipping the lights back on stress them greatly?
I was told that reversing the lights would induce more stress than is worth, and would mess everything up, and would result in a waste of time with little growth. Would love some set opinions on this.
Keep in mind, the structure is perfect for these genetics. This is not a sativa strain with huge colas, it is a hybrid. I think I may give them another 5 days of flushing.

They are not done. Doesnt matter what strain it is. Immature flowers are immature flowers.

The size of the cola is irrelevant. Its the fullness of it.

Youre going to do what youre going to do but if you gave it 2 more weeks, you would see what I am talking about.
Sometimes it's just pointless to post "Are They Done Yet?" threads.
Especially when the person really didn't want your advice in the first place.
Sometimes, you just need someone to tell you to go for it so you feel better.

So, Go for it!

Its your plant. Just trying to help you out. I have been in the same position and wanted so badly to harvest. In the end, I am ALWAYS glad I gave them and extra week or two.

Here is a bud on a plant that will still gor for about another week. Notice how the pistils are not pointing out. They have dried up and are "hugging" the bud, the calyxes are swollen so there is less of the sugar leaves showing, there are no new white pistils, The bud is coated with trichomes. Overall it looks less pointy and more round and full.

This plant had some issues with P lockout which is the reason for the spotting on the leaves but I didnt try to correct it so late in flowering.


Here is a bud that looks like what I see when people want to harvest early:


Notice the upright pistils. Some have turned orange but there are still newer white ones. The bud is more green than anything and is slender and pointy. The sugar leaves are prominent because the calyx havent swelled. The leaves are frosty but the rest isnt. Again this is because it hasnt filled out. When the bud swells, the whole thing will look frosty and full.

This one has 2 or 3 weeks left.
MYOB, that will help show what you mean by SWOLLEN!
Sometimes it just takes personal experience+smoking weak buds to realize the truth.