2 plants out of 8 dying (unknown problem) HELP NEEDED!!!

I am currently growing 8 plants in a closet grow room. I am using a 400w hps light with two seprate exraction fans one pushing freash air in and one releasing hot air. I am currently 3 weeks into flowering and two of my plants have started to turn brown and curl upwards and inwards. It has effected most of the 2 plant's but the stems and some leaves near the bottom of the plant still look really healty as do some buds. The hairs on the crown buds and most of the other the hairs have started to turn orangey brown im not sure if this is just them matureing because this happend at the same time as the leafs and none of the other plants have showin this yet or is it that there getting burnt witch is doubtful as my lights at least 14 inchies away from the tips. I dont understand these 2 plants looked like healthist out of the 8 .Both are the same strain (unknown) with a darker foliage and thiner leafs than the other 6 .They are all fed at the same time water ph 6.1 at all times fed with savia bio bloom nutes. I feed 3 times a week 1 nutes on every 3rd feed all plants have been gave 2 hits of epsom salts one in veg and one in flowering . This problem started to occour 3 days ago and is starting to really get on my nerves. I took all the dead leaves and cut leafs that looked dead off about 5 days ago. I also inserted largers support sticks on the same day as they have grown bigger than expected. I dont know if this has been my down fall trying to do too much at the one time and stressing them out. Or that i have made the mistake of cutting off a couple of the leaves that where still doing theyr job
I have tryd to give as much info as possible if any more info is needed just ask as this problem is my main concern at the moment

:joint:Thanks for your Time!!!:joint:
:eyesmoke:Its All Natural:eyesmoke:

*PICTURES ADDED*scroll down


Well-Known Member
Where did you get the plants? Seeds or clones?

I had same problem w/ some clones I ran a while back. Turns out it was the clone genes were shitty.

Could be bad genes. I've narrowed all of my bad grows down to gene issue's. Except when I burned them.

There is not much more disheartening than losing a quarter of your crop, except maybe losing it all.

Good Luck w/ the rest


Well-Known Member
Hey and welcome to RIU
Before I give help I'd really like to see some pics so I make sure I get your issue right.


Well-Known Member
Looks like big ol nute burn to me.
How much nutes you been giving it?
When it starting having problems did you continue to feed it more nutes?
Iv been feeding them about 3 quarters of a small plastic cup in diluted nutes only on every 3rd feed iv been using this feeding method for about a year do you think theyve been over fead?
no i never fead them nutes after this problem occourd i let them dry for a bit and added the same amount of water about 3 quarters of a plastic cup i dont understand how this has not effected the other plants as there fead the same amount apart from the 2 larger ones which get a little bit extra


Well-Known Member
ok you confuse me you mean "watering" not "feed" when you "feed" or "nute" you are adding ferts/nutes and not just water
you made it sound like you fed em 3 times a week or something..

The other thing it looks like is wind burn, do u have a fan blowing directly on it more than the others by chance?


Well-Known Member
also watering 2 times a day will kill thim flat out UNLESS they dry out that fast then you got heat issues
you only water when the soil drys out, for some its has to be every day (high temps/small containers) others 3-7 days (low heat, large containers)


Well-Known Member
Whoooa! Now that is bad nute burn.

Nothin to do w/ genes. That's why it is imparative to provide a photo of the problem.

That thing is fried. I would leach and only feed w/ light nute regimen until week 6 and start flushing w/ straight water to the end. Pull all the bad leafs off too.
sorry if i confused you but i water the plants 3 times a week for talking sake say i water them on monday leave the soil to dry out water again maby wednesday then feed them nutes on the 3rd feed say saterday if this makes more sense
Whoooa! Now that is bad nute burn.

Nothin to do w/ genes. That's why it is imparative to provide a photo of the problem.

That thing is fried. I would leach and only feed w/ water to the end. Pull all the bad leafs off too.
Thanks for the feed bk

so youre saying im not to feed any more nutes at all ? and when im taking all the bad leaves off could you provide some more info as i dont want to do more harm than good as you can see they look pritty fragile:eyesmoke: ??


Active Member
Whoooa! Now that is bad nute burn.

Nothin to do w/ genes. That's why it is imparative to provide a photo of the problem.

That thing is fried. I would leach and only feed w/ water to the end. Pull all the bad leafs off too.
what is the temperature. looks like those things also got a good amount of heat stress on them. they look crispy


Well-Known Member
are those trays under the pots filled with any water? they look overwatered and/or nute burned, flush your soil. but dont let em sit in the drainage water