2 Problems please help..pics included




I've been noticing these little brown spots on the top fan leaves. some go right through and seem crisp. I first thought maybe spider mites and used a few sprays of doktor doom just in case but i haven't seen any other signs of them. Also thought maybe light burn because it was only the top leaves but now some lower ones have a few. Also noticing that one plant has the one side of the top fan leave turning light green, yellowish. This is the 2nd time this has happened.

There a little over a month into veg under a 400 watt mh. using soil and have been maintaing a 7 ph, and feeding after every 2nd watering or so. I worked up the nutes from 1/8% to full over the month. Been having a hard time keeping humidity above 30%, don't know if thats a factor. Any help is greatly apprichiated as i have no clue as to whats going on.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
First check the soil's pH. All of the problems we can see there can be due to high pH. Standard soil should read 6.5. Once the soil pH is taken care of, try to give them some extra Phosphorus with their normal feeding regimen. While you need to know if the P is being locked out by incorrect pH before correcting the problem, there do appear to be signs that they're deficient in it.

If the soil pH is off, the plants can be fed at the same time the soil pH is adjusted.


Active Member
You could be into a mineral lock out. Might try dropping the Ph down a tad, say 6-6.5 and see if that helps any.

Seems I sort of got beat to the punchline, and since we're more or less in agreement, what he said.


Thanks alot for all the advice, i flushed both tonight and am hoping they will clear up within the next week. I've been keeping ph 6.8-7, so il try to keep it at 6.5. So 6-6.5 is better for soil?