2 questions, 1- why are leaves drooping, and....


Active Member
what stage of flowering am I in. I think its the 5th or 6th week, though the plant should be much farther a long... This is an autoflowering plant...

I think, the drooping leaves could be lack of oxygen. Maybe because of excessive nutrients in water? Or ph balance issues??

Thanks a lot!!!!



Active Member
But is that really the issue? I was thinking of adding another, bigger fluorescent grow light...


Well-Known Member
what stage of flowering am I in. I think its the 5th or 6th week, though the plant should be much farther a long... This is an autoflowering plant...

I think, the drooping leaves could be lack of oxygen. Maybe because of excessive nutrients in water? Or ph balance issues??

Thanks a lot!!!!

Man you need more lights than that get some CFLs and hang around them, and it looks like too much N, they don't use as much N while budding, either that or you have the beginnings of a salinity prob and need to flush, and have you given her cal-mag?

Other than that they don't look bad and you will notice in the last 2 weeks the buds will explode in size telling you they're just about ready..good luck man

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Commonly it is under or over watering
I switched to large air pots once and after the first grow discovered I was under watering the entire grow


Active Member
I don't think an not having a hps light is the issue, its just better for growing. Your last picture indicates your plants have stretched because there was not enough light. You should wire some extra cfl's for a cheap fix or invest in a light kit for your next grow!

As for any problems i think we need more pictures of the plant in the 3rd picture. Need to see the front of the leaves for signs of deficiencies. It seems normal for bloom though. Hopefully the buds explode for yea!


Active Member
right! I have 2 sunblasters and a larger light, so actually 4 lamps in there right now. only 4 plants. I think, it was underwatering....


Well-Known Member
Aside from the lack of light problem causing the stretch, it looks to me like a combination of crowded roots and underwatering, but the burned tips say you might have burned her a little at some point.
What are you feeding?
Rik may have hit something there, can you give pics of the tops of the leaves? Not just from the side view?


Active Member
It all depends on what light you are using, if it’s HID, standard fluoro or compact fluoro (I assume you're not using halogens!). For HID (HPS or MH) lighting, use roughly 30w per square foot, and for flowering use around 60w per square foot. This is merely a guide, your plant, light height; reflective surfaces etc make a huge difference on these numbers. For a small plant, below 1ft tall, I’d say you would need at least 25w of fluorescent light. I find that it isn't at all practical to use tube fluoro’s for the vegetative stage past 6 inches, as only the top of the plant is receiving enough light to carry out photosynthesis properly.

Using an energy saving compact fluoro will help 'push' the light to the base of the plant, assisting photosynthesis. If the plant indicates it needs more light by growing slowly, and with small leaf petioles, you may need more light. Go with the basic rule of keeping the fluoro’s very close, and using roughly 20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth. If you can afford to over-light your grow room, why not? You wont regret it when your plant is bushy and healthy. If you feel that you need to only purchase a minimum amount of lights, you probably shouldn’t be growing.

The part of this i would like to point out is " Go with the basic rule of keeping the fluoro’s very close, and using roughly 20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth. If you can afford to over-light your grow room, why not? You wont regret it when your plant is bushy and healthy. "


Check out this link and the rest of the massive information found at http://www.420magazine.com/forums/how-grow-marijuana/81264-how-grow-marijuana-everything-you-need-know.html


Well-Known Member
what stage of flowering am I in. I think its the 5th or 6th week, though the plant should be much farther a long... This is an autoflowering plant...

I think, the drooping leaves could be lack of oxygen. Maybe because of excessive nutrients in water? Or ph balance issues??

Thanks a lot!!!!

And dude + rep, you're doin fine...


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what light you are using, if it’s HID, standard fluoro or compact fluoro (I assume you're not using halogens!). For HID (HPS or MH) lighting, use roughly 30w per square foot, and for flowering use around 60w per square foot. This is merely a guide, your plant, light height; reflective surfaces etc make a huge difference on these numbers. For a small plant, below 1ft tall, I’d say you would need at least 25w of fluorescent light. I find that it isn't at all practical to use tube fluoro’s for the vegetative stage past 6 inches, as only the top of the plant is receiving enough light to carry out photosynthesis properly.

Using an energy saving compact fluoro will help 'push' the light to the base of the plant, assisting photosynthesis. If the plant indicates it needs more light by growing slowly, and with small leaf petioles, you may need more light. Go with the basic rule of keeping the fluoro’s very close, and using roughly 20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth. If you can afford to over-light your grow room, why not? You wont regret it when your plant is bushy and healthy. If you feel that you need to only purchase a minimum amount of lights, you probably shouldn’t be growing.

The part of this i would like to point out is " Go with the basic rule of keeping the fluoro’s very close, and using roughly 20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth. If you can afford to over-light your grow room, why not? You wont regret it when your plant is bushy and healthy. "


Check out this link and the rest of the massive information found at http://www.420magazine.com/forums/how-grow-marijuana/81264-how-grow-marijuana-everything-you-need-know.html
I've always heard it's 2,000 lumens per sqr ft...but hell that might be what ur sayin, just in a diiferent way...I have 10 CFLs and a T5 (mixed spectrum) on 1 plant..

View attachment 2560063 lmao..the sign was for someone who said I was pullin my pics off the net...


Active Member
I've always heard it's 2,000 lumens per sqr ft...but hell that might be what ur sayin, just in a diiferent way...I have 10 CFLs and a T5 (mixed spectrum) on 1 plant..

View attachment 2560063 lmao..the sign was for someone who said I was pullin my pics off the net...
RIK.. ARe you growing exclusively with CFLS and T5s???

HID lighting freaks me out mainly because of power consumption and I don't want an explosion, especially around my family...

WIll add some photos of top leaves

Thanks! for the help!


Active Member
Aside from the lack of light problem causing the stretch, it looks to me like a combination of crowded roots and underwatering, but the burned tips say you might have burned her a little at some point.
What are you feeding?
Rik may have hit something there, can you give pics of the tops of the leaves? Not just from the side view?
Will post more pics.. Thanks!


Active Member
These are a variety of pics... so you can get an idea of the size of the pot, roots, health of upper leaves, lower leaves and a close up of the problem with a couple of the leaves. Also the number of lights I'm using.

I should mention this is my very first grow! SO, I'm working on my grow skills here. I'd really not like to use HID lighting for safety reasons, i.e. new born baby, safety reasons....but I'm looking into getting an actual grow tent, and a bigger CFL bulb to hang between the plants without a reflector, in addition to the lights I already have. I;m growing 4 plants here. My next grow, I'd like to do maybe 6, but I'll need more light on a bigger grow space.

It was nearly impossible to get a good pic of the inside of the grow space, so the photos of the lights are not the ideal.

Thanks y'all! I really appreciate your input!


Well-Known Member
The 2 lowest leaves are drooping, big deal the rest of the plant isn't there is no issue here.