2 questions


Well-Known Member
1. is it ok to keep your stash in the freezer?
2. is it ok to remove yellowing fan leaves during flowering, or should i be letting them fall off on there own. and use their complete energy? i remove them when they are not completely yellow.

mr og

for the first question, i dont know, i usually end up smoking all or giving it away before i ever even have to stash =P

for the 2nd question, yes pull dead or yellow leaves off. to me, i think they drain in and use up to much energy, more than they should be producing for your buddies. let your ladies rely on working on thier buds when its time, instead of trying to recover from the unhealthy leaves.

you will get people who will say leave them, and you will get people who will say pull them. dont be scared to experiment, some strains can take more pruning than others. healthy plants can take more pruning then a unhealthy.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing fan leaves dont drain energy from the plant, its the other way around, your plant decides that a leaf is no llonger worth the effort to keep alive so it sucks all the energy out of them........


Well-Known Member
The freezer part I wouldn't do the freezer unless you are making hash or have already fully dried and have cured for at least 1 week. I have stored my bud in the freezer before though to eliminate smell and it works for that also. As far as the second question if you can knock the leaf off with a touch of your finger (just 1 so you know the pressure) then it deserves to be removed. If you remove the leafs that are 50-70% ruined (nutes or pests) or completely yellow then you save your plant that much energy.


Well-Known Member
you guys arent listening, I already explained it to you. Those yellowing leaves are not draining power from the plant, the plant is draining them!!! why waste the energy your plant took so long to store for later in flowering to put into the buds? ask anybody on here who knows what they are doing will say the same.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, thats funny,how you cant understand this is beyond my belief, why the fuck would i lie about something like this for 1, and 2. ask any grower on here who knows what they are doing and they will agree with me:dunce: leaves that are yellowing in flower should not be cut off since the plant is draining the energy and nutes stored in them into the buds and newer leaves. how can you not understand simple botany? when older leaves die in veg its because the plant is taking the stored energy out of them because it no longer feels they are effecient enough to be worth keeping alive.LEAVES=ENERGY duh!


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I think the question should be

where the fuck are you getting yours?
easy, easy. i'm not trying to start a fight. putting my stuf in the freezer was for keeping it fresh and yes i know the plant is sucking energy from the yellowing leaf. i was just curious if removing them forced the plant to go to the next fanleaf, and whether that was good or bad. everyone behave. damn it.


I would pull only those leaves that will come off the plant easily. They are yellowing as they slowly have their energy reclaimed by the plant, much like the yellow/red/brown tree colors you see in the Fall. The plant is just diverting energy from one part to another, not losing any energy.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, this one was my fault, He took it a bit personal is what it was, lol, I was kinda messing with him though with my comment, but i didnt think he'd get all offended and stick with what he was saying, I was just acting cocky trying to point out some info i know is true thinking he'd look around on here and see i was right and that would be the end of it. lol, sorry


Well-Known Member
easy, easy. i'm not trying to start a fight. putting my stuf in the freezer was for keeping it fresh and yes i know the plant is sucking energy from the yellowing leaf. i was just curious if removing them forced the plant to go to the next fanleaf, and whether that was good or bad. everyone behave. damn it.
darkdestruction is absolutely right. the plant is draining those leaves. And yes, if you remove it before she's done with it, she will look elsewhere for that same energy.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, this one was my fault, He took it a bit personal is what it was, lol, I was kinda messing with him though with my comment, but i didnt think he'd get all offended and stick with what he was saying, I was just acting cocky trying to point out some info i know is true thinking he'd look around on here and see i was right and that would be the end of it. lol, sorry

if your talking about me, i'm not a male :finger:


Active Member
Anyone saying that these leaves are useless are not knowledgeable growers and that sucks for them. Keep those leaves on there during flowering until they about fall off on their own or they come off with a light tug. Towards the end of your flowering phase your plant will start to use all of its' stored energy and matter to enhance your yield and bud quality.

You are only hurting your production if you take off these leaves when they start yellowing. They aren't hurting a thing...leave em' be.


Well-Known Member
Anyone saying that these leaves are useless are not knowledgeable growers and that sucks for them. Keep those leaves on there during flowering until they about fall off on their own or they come off with a light tug. Towards the end of your flowering phase your plant will start to use all of its' stored energy and matter to enhance your yield and bud quality.

You are only hurting your production if you take off these leaves when they start yellowing. They aren't hurting a thing...leave em' be.
thx everyone. i'm on m third grow. first 2 were northernlights hashplant and watermelon. this one is pot of gold hashplant and only 1 watermelon