2 sick plants.. different strains..different problems..(pics)..help.


Well-Known Member
These are two different bagseed strains. Both in MG organic soil (w/perlite). Humidity 26-28%... temps 78-87.. under 24/7 lighting 26W 6500K daylight CFLS (couple inches away). I water every 3-4 days with bottled water.. No nutes yet.. I have a pretty good idea what's wrong on each I just want to make sure, and get some advice. Maybe what to do for them.

Here is one. It's bottom leave tips are yellowing / browning ( yellowish / brown spot feel almost crisp like I can snap the parts in half. But only on that part of the leaf). One or two leaves on the next node have similar problems (pics)

(PLANT ONE PICS 1-5) Bottom leaves..

Next node up

Whole plant shot

(PLANT 2 PICS 6-9) This other plant is droopy, and also starting to yellow and very bottom set of leaves only.

Sorry some are a little blurry the cam sucks.


Well-Known Member
looks like over watering or not good soil
I don't really think it has anything to do with the soil ( I hope ). I was figuring I was going to get a bunch of comments on the MG soil. Plant two seems over watered (which is strange cause I don't water much). Plant one seems to me either heat stress or a N deficiency, I also have sprayed it a couple times under the lights which I know is foolish.

I'm assuming you were referring to plant two for the over watering comment? Or both?? I'm kind of confused by your response.

If anyone can help me with what I can do to revive these girls. I moved them a little further away, going to stop spraying, cooled down my box by about 3-4 degrees, and haven't watered in a couple days.

Should I give them a 1/4 strength dosage of nutes or something?


Well-Known Member
wats yr humidity at and wat are yr watering schedules like for da plants???&wat lights?


Well-Known Member
sori...i read it again...all thats there...id say humidity is abit low for a young plant like that...and also maybe it's tym for a new pot.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was for sure getting larger pots this weekend. I have tried to raise humidity with no luck.


Well-Known Member
try a dome over the rooting area....helps increase success rate of cuttings!i was getting a 50-60% success rate without dome...90-100% with dome!


Well-Known Member
Could the browning on the first plant be due to excessive spraying in high temps / low humidity... I can't think of what else it could possibly be. They looked so good a couple days ago.


Well-Known Member
Little plants have a heck of a time with Miracle Grow soils!!! So I say first of all shake off the MG from the roots, put them into new soil!!!, and 1 gallon pots. Get some Foxfarm, it is balanced with the necessary foods that baby plants need to grow for the first few weeks.

With new soil you should not have to add any nutes until you put them into flower.

See if this helps