2 Strain Grow - White Widow & Sharksbreath


Well-Known Member
u got something starting there man... u got any bugs flying around in there looks like the bottom is chewed up alittle. hang some duct tap up and see if u get any bugs stuck to it.
no bugs, the planted wilted as i was stuck with work and school and she got negletected for almost a week. the whole plant was wilted on thursday and she still recovering. i trimmed all the dead leaves off the bottom and looks alot beter now.


Well-Known Member
Well, water my plant two days ago with just straight ph water aroudn 5.9 and now my baby looks very very sick, not sure what the hell happen, but not sure she will recover from it or not. So hope something turns around in the next day or two. I think the light hangers werent tight enought and it got major heat stress, but not sure for sure. The leaves kind of dired up and shranks. Going to see if i can do more research and see if i can figure it out.


Well-Known Member

Here you go, I think i poisoned her by mistake. I am kind of embarrased at the way she looks, but oh well I will throw in a couple of my pepper plants in the mix too. It been getting worst as the days go on and i flushed it two days ago just in case but no luck. I was going to cut it down here in the next day or two as i really think i toasted her by mistake somehow.



Active Member
Wow man. You had some nice bushes too!!! Are you sure the bucket you used to water them didnt have any residue from any type of other chemicals in it?


Well-Known Member
it was a milk cartoon, and i though it was brand new and not used before. But maybe i am mistaken, oh well have to try again one day and see if i have better luck.


Active Member
damn man sorry to see that...yeah looks like it may have been the heat from the light...did you overdo any nutes to your knowledge? are your roots constricted/can't grow more or rotting?


Well-Known Member
No, the nutes i have been running the same, to be honest i really dont know what i did. LOL, oh well, it was a beauty before 4 days ago. LOL. I am going to dig out soon and check it out and see.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4376900]Damn she is a mess, that sucks things went down hill :([/QUOTE]

Yea, we win some and lose some. Oh well, I will get the next one goign good here soon.


Well-Known Member
Its offical, ripped her up today and through in the back yard with all the shrubs. I do have a church that was growing, it stretched to hell but still going. They are kind of funny looking when the stretch out.