2 week old Blue Dream auto stopped growing!

Hello All,

My 2 week old Blue Dream autoflower stopped growing! She grew true leaves then just stopped growing. I know she is stunted, but I don know why. I watered her until I saw drainage after true leaves. (Suggested on a thread on this site) Then let top stop soil dry out, soil at the bottom was still moist. After that I misted soil twice a day. ALL her leaves were pointing up. Yesterday I put her outside in direct sunlight for 3 hrs, for the first time. Her leaves were still pointing up. Another suggestion from this site was to water her again until there was drainage, because bottom soil was now dry.(?) Now all but one of her leaves looks normal. I put her in direct sunlight today for 4 hrs. I started her in a four inch pot. Used my own soil mixture of coco coir, biochar and worm casting. I was going to transplant her into a 7 liter pot, but was afraid to do so because she is so tiny. Should I trash her and start again? I really do not want to, because she looks healthy to me, but she will not grow. All suggestions will be very much appreciated. DSC06202.JPGDSC06204.JPG
For that size seedling I would start in a starter pot or solo cup ( beer cup ). Once the roots fill either of the 2, transplant into a larger pot, but not too large. If you transplant into a larger pot when they are small, you run the risk over over watering which will ultimately stop growth and eventually die. Is the plant intended to be an outside grow? When they are that small they typically want 24 hours of light, 18 minimum. I don’t think she’s strong enough to be outside yet. Do you have the ability to grow her indoors until she gets bigger?
Where is this plant when it's not in direct sunlight? Do you have it under a starter lamp or is it in the shade somewhere? If it's outside full time already what are your temps like right now?

It's usually best to start seedlings either indoors under a lamp or in a greenhouse with high humidity, long hours of light and consistent temps.
For that size seedling I would start in a starter pot or solo cup ( beer cup ). Once the roots fill either of the 2, transplant into a larger pot, but not too large. If you transplant into a larger pot when they are small, you run the risk over over watering which will ultimately stop growth and eventually die. Is the plant intended to be an outside grow? When they are that small they typically want 24 hours of light, 18 minimum. I don’t think she’s strong enough to be outside yet. Do you have the ability to grow her indoors until she gets bigger?

This is good advice for photos but my recent experience with autos has been that they need to be up-potted earlier than you'd expect. I go from the seedling tray to a 1 gallon pot, then straight into their final home after about 10 days now. They throw out a fast digging Taproot and if it hits bottom too early it stunts their growth, or even worse, causes them to flower prematurely. You do have to be a little extra careful watering because of it.
That’s the problem. The goal is to mimic the environment they are use to growing in, hot and humid. If neither of these climates match where you live, you might wanna rethink your process and get a tent to grow indoors. I won’t say it’s impossible to do outside, just don’t expect the best outcome.
I completely over looked the fact that he’s growing an auto. I wouldn’t change the transplant process, but the plant should be under 24 hours of light. Autos don’t require a dark period. Growing outside isn’t even an option.
I appreciate all that has been said, but I think you all overlooked the fact that she is an autoflower, not a photoperiod. She needs a minimum of 5 hours of direct sunlight a day, more if I want a higher yield.
The problem is her clock is ticking! Next week she is supposed to be in veg. stage. I should have started her in her final container, a 7 liter pot, because she is supposed to grow 4-6 ft. tall. So is my problem that I started her in a 4 inch pot?
I completely over looked the fact that he’s growing an auto. I wouldn’t change the transplant process, but the plant should be under 24 hours of light. Autos don’t require a dark period. Growing outside isn’t even an option.

Lots of people grow autos outdoors. They're great for regions with short growing seasons. Even indoors I have mine under 18/6 just to save a little electricity (and because for some unfounded reason I believe the plants need a little darkness) and they do just fine.
I appreciate all that has been said, but I think you all overlooked the fact that she is an autoflower, not a photoperiod. She needs a minimum of 5 hours of direct sunlight a day, more if I want a higher yield.
The problem is her clock is ticking! Next week she is supposed to be in veg. stage. I should have started her in her final container, a 7 liter pot, because she is supposed to grow 4-6 ft. tall. So is my problem that I started her in a 4 inch pot?

No, I definitely read she's an auto. I think she needs MORE sunlight. And you haven't answered my question about your temps yet. Seedlings simultaneously need lots of light but are also very susceptible to light burn which is why most people start them indoors under gentle lighting then harden them off and move them outdoors.
Lots of people grow autos outdoors. They're great for regions with short growing seasons. Even indoors I have mine under 18/6 just to save a little electricity (and because for some unfounded reason I believe the plants need a little darkness) and they do just fine.
She is an outdoors strain.
I need to harden her off before i can leave her in direct sunlight all day. I am hoping she will get bigger with start growing when I can have her in direct sun all day. Fingers crossed.