2 week old plant, Growing to fast?

I have this and 8 other plants that sprouted 2 weeks ago, the other ones are all around mayube 2 inches talll but this one is close to around 8 inches, is there a reason for this fast growth in only this plant? also all the seeds came froom the same plant


Well-Known Member
How many sets of leafs does it have? and whats the spacing like between each set of leaf?

if the spacing is a lot bigger between the leafs then the smaller plants they may be stretching, if not it could be a satvia strain.

a picture would really help here


Well-Known Member
Well. What are the origins of the seed?

If its bag seed, there is a 99.9% chance that its a hybrid of a hybrid so each seed could have totally different characteristics and more than likely didnt come from the same plant(s). Even if it came off the same bud. Different males probably pollenated it.


Well-Known Member
generally yes so they they can tower above the females and drop their spunk all over them , but not always


Well-Known Member
Slight stretching but nothing extreme. Males CAN be taller, but generally you can't say a plants male because its taller then the rest.

You might just have a strong seed going on :) If so, be happy :) Wish you luck with it mate, start a journal and link us, i'll be watching :)


Just wait out there where you "found the plant" and ask the guy who grew it what king it was...I'm sure he'll e happy to tell you anything you want to know...

Don't rip other peoples plants... Take a branch if you have to...but don't take it all...