2 week old seedlings sick...please help...first grow...


Well-Known Member
fox farm ocean soil, CFLs until flower, then I'm gonna use a 600w HPS...

no nutes used so far, each plant has 5200 lumens per plant, three plants total

fought off fungus gnats a few days ago with neem oil, sorta made my plants sick

transplanted them on wednesday to 3 gallon pots

here are 4 pics taken an hour ago... please help, the last two pics look bad :-(


Barncle Bill

Active Member
You might have that light a little to close too. Also.. not all plants with be the mother load.. just like in nature.. you get some retarded ones too.. do you have any more seeds?

I always start with 10 seeds.. most of the time i will get all ten to grow right at times i have 1 or 2 that are just not made to be.


Well-Known Member
hey, you are right I think

the perlite I used was miracle grow, I didn't know it had nutes in it,

is there anything I can do to fix it???

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow perlite doesn't have any nutes, does it?
Im sure its just plain old sterile perlite like any other perlite there is nothing added to it.

If you havent added any nutes then I doubt that it over fertilised, Ive never used fox farm soil but from wat Ive read on other threads it seem to be fine for growing with.

You said that you were fighting off Gnats with neem oil, how did you do this? Did you start to notice problems after this??

Also what ph is your water?


Active Member
Dude... try "scorpion juice" from seedlings till 8" tall. This helps to bulletproof your plants from, Stress, Disease and Bugs believe it or not.

Dont fertilize with nutes the first few weeks, all potting soil has nutes in it already. NO pearlite or vermiculite has nutes it it that I know of.

Flush your pots with drinking water NOT spring water and take the pans out so they drian. Then you can add your scorpion juice on your next watering.

Raise your lights up and NEVER "mist" your plants or get the leaves wet, it will boil them under the lights.


Active Member
hey, you are right I think

the perlite I used was miracle grow, I didn't know it had nutes in it,

is there anything I can do to fix it???

thanks guys

It might not be over fert. I had the same problem with my seedlings and I started them in peet pellets. No ferts at all. I was using R.O. water and they immediately showed deficiencies. I didn't think that it was possible so early in the plants life, but sure enough, I supplemented with 2ml if cal-mag to a gal. and within a week all my tards were growing normally again.
They are 5 weeks old, growing four inches a day. Just transplanted them a week ago into bigger pots with ocean forest, still have not fed them nutes and they seem to be doing fine. Ocean forest potting soil has plenty of nutes in it already, I wouldn't recommend ferts for atleast a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
yea Miracle Grow perlite DEFINITELY has nutes in it...

the seedlings are 2 weeks old, any chance they'll hermie?

I was gonna flower them at 10 inches tall, they are only 3 inches or so right now...

gonna check pH in a bit, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Mate first thing id say is stop using miracle grow it isnt good for weed plants
i use to use my self and i got half the size seedlings as i get now try canna proffesional +
and also growing in miracle grow has these strange effects on seedlings like making them look retarded as it really is to strong for them in my opinion mate change your soil
and dont give no nutes for a few weeks you dont want your seeds getting addicted to the nutes