2 weeks flowering... getting some excessively yellow leaves, daily


Well-Known Member
these plants are in a promix. i am using the whole fox farm line up, pretty much following their guidelines, i also add a small amount of aura synthetics organic big swell. i added more nitrogen when i started seeing this happen and i am greatly confused if this is salt buildup or potentially a deficiency.. sorry the pics arent that grea but i dont have a white light in my flowering room.

edit: i also use dolomite lime as a buffer so the soil stays around 7, i ph balance all water going into the pots at 6.3-6.5 i have not flushed the plants ever and they vegged for 4 weeks. i also use CO2 and since have been feeding them one day earlier than normal..


Active Member
i always hear problems with promix. did you recently transplant? your ph may be higher than you think, check your runoff. if your using your line up in freshly transplanted soil you probably have burn. post more info please.


New Member
The issue if the FF feeding schedule. It lacks N in flowering. Replace 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom for a tsp of Grow Big in you feeding program for the first 4-6 weeks of flowing(12/12) Or you could get some Fish Emulsion(better option)to add to your bloom nutes. You probaly will not catch up with the n deficency at this point but you can certainly slow it down. The more fans you can keep on the plant until harvest the better your yield.......


Well-Known Member
Plants don't have any burning why would I flush?
flushing is always good....best way i can put it is....your plants emit a byproduct after feeding(just like you)...that byproduct is acidic water ond oxygen, you need to flush it out(thats just a nutshell, but you get the idea) also salt build ups from nutes... flushing is just a good habbit to get into, EXPECIALLY in soil

EDIT: oh yea, your plants are hungry!


Well-Known Member
I have to feed my ladies of one of my strains 2-3 teaspoons of grow big during flowering every watering.. I would say your ladies are starving for N


Well-Known Member
Mine is a bbxnl cross which produces tons on small leaves during flowering, I had the exact same problem as you (in promix bx) and couldn't figure out wtf was going on, I was about to kill off the strain ( which i didn't want to) so I said fuck it and instead of using any flowering food I keep my grow big goin well into flowering and a higher rate and guess what NO MORE YELLOWING. Worked for me and hopefully it'll work for you.


Well-Known Member
Mine is a bbxnl cross which produces tons on small leaves during flowering, I had the exact same problem as you (in promix bx) and couldn't figure out wtf was going on, I was about to kill off the strain ( which i didn't want to) so I said fuck it and instead of using any flowering food I keep my grow big goin well into flowering and a higher rate and guess what NO MORE YELLOWING. Worked for me and hopefully it'll work for you.
thank that was my prognosis as well, glad to see everyone else concurs. i gave them minimal N yesterday with the normal ruitine for flowering suggested by fox farm. ill see how they are looking today and possibly give them another dose of High N, my only concern would be giving them too much ppms after i nuted them yesterday. should i flush then redo the flowering nutes with added n?


Well-Known Member
Mine is a bbxnl cross which produces tons on small leaves during flowering, I had the exact same problem as you (in promix bx) and couldn't figure out wtf was going on, I was about to kill off the strain ( which i didn't want to) so I said fuck it and instead of using any flowering food I keep my grow big goin well into flowering and a higher rate and guess what NO MORE YELLOWING. Worked for me and hopefully it'll work for you.
No bloom nutes? For how long?


Well-Known Member
I know people are gonna say i'm crazy but I don't introduce flowering food until the 4th week of flowering. I wanted to see how the "whole" ff line was so I followed their feeding schedule down to a T and IMO it's wrong, they should tell you to keep the grow big goin for longer, if my memory serves me right they want you to use it like the 3rd or 4th week into flowering and by that time your def has already set in


Well-Known Member
actually fuck that, get 1 teaspoon of grow big in a gallon and when your lights come on, raise them up a little and then foliar feed them ladies. Make sure to spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and when they dry lower your lights back down.. I would foliar feed like that every other day until the yellowing stops, which should be about a week depending on the strain


Well-Known Member
actually fuck that, get 1 teaspoon of grow big in a gallon and when your lights come on, raise them up a little and then foliar feed them ladies. Make sure to spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and when they dry lower your lights back down.. I would foliar feed like that every other day until the yellowing stops, which should be about a week depending on the strain
okay well i will try this, thanks for the advice... im still alittle confused about your techinique about the ff line up, could you possible give you your nute schedule and ill run them side by side in my next cycle?