2 weeks indoors, the rest, FUN IN THE SUN, nirvanas wonder woman and nirvanas maui


so i orderd nirvana seeds, this is my second time ive done this and everytime i get it in like 7 days always 5 days after shipped but any way nirvana is dependable. i started germing two seeds. one a 2 days later than the other and i had a problem my room wasnt humid enough i live in a dorm room in like an apartment style building so its hard to do anything outside. so i used one of my agro lites that suckkkkkk for growing and put it like 3 feet away from my germing seeds in a towel to keep it alittle warm after like 4 hours of tht my seeds cracked open no tap rooot yet but still pretty quick. te next day i put one of the seeds in foxfarm ocean forest everyone says its the best. im in florida and tht shit was pretty expensive. rright now i have my babies under 2 42w cfls and 1 13 watt i had the 13 watt just hanging around so i popped it in i should get another 42 but thats around 4400 lumens or so i think i should be fine for penetration and light snd during the day i open the window to get a little more light in here. right now of course i did a noob ass mistake and i forgot to label my plants lol one seed still hasnt poped the soil and one is on day 2 but this is early morning but its growin fast. ive been using a squirt bottle with mineral water thats all i had at the start cuz my water from the sink smells like chlorine so i got 3 cups of water and put them to the side so they can air out. i have pics from day one and today and my set up here they are... my first pic of the plant coming out of the soil wont get sent to my email from my fone so shit happens but hope everyone likes the piday 2.jpgday 1.5.jpgschool setup.jpgcs


Day number 3 well i didnt tell you guys how ive been watering it ive been using a spray bottle with water and i put a drop littlerally the tiniest drop to lower the ph i have some ph paper and i make sure the ph is at six. the plants looking good on the other hand the seeed that hasnt came out of the soil yet still hasnt came out of the soil but i put it in the soil a little earlier wel less developed then the first one. but i put it in like 2 days after. well yesterday my gf tipped over the cup and she said the seed popped out but she dug a hole poppe it back in tap root up and it should be fine but it did get some stress so im guessing its gonna take a little longer for her to pop out of the soil. well thiss is day 3 and heres the picDay 3.jpg


my dumb ass forgot to tell you what u lower the ph with ...lol i got some distilled white vinegar at my local grocery store publix does the job great doesnt hurt the plants


Active Member
I believe the Ph of the water I'm using is around 6.5 and I'm soil germing three seeds and two in paper towels....do you think this Ph is too high? and you're saying I can use vinegar to lower it? That would be perfect since I just bought some to deter. My dogs from my babies lol


Day 4 my seed in the second cup still hasnt came out it probably wil come out tommorow or today hopefully but my little seedlings lookin great getting bigger and his 2nd set of true leaves are comin out still very small tho... and indcolts77 yea vinegar works but u needa use a tiny drop for each cup of water so u gotta ph it after u try to make the water the right ph mine is at 6. its trial and error trying to make the water right but it does work. im trying to send the pic to my email so itll b posted soon


okayyyy im back, i had to go home for the weekened but anyway the plants are looking great except when i was home the plants gottt WAYYYYY to much water and i kept them outside so they could get used to it. but the sprinklers went on and got them soaked, it poared, then the fuckin sprinklers again but they seem to be fine except my big baby still dont know the sex butttt the big baby on its second set of fan leaves its tip turned black it looks a little burnt but its not spreading i think its the over watering plus the ph was wayyyy too high from the sprinklers but shes bak in her home and shes doing good so far pics will be up shortly ohh and i sowed 18 more seeds in fox farm ocean forest when i was home and i ran outa patients so i like scratched alittle of the soil of the top of one of the cups and i saw the tap root on its turn around soooo very happppyyyyy:)))) pics will be up today and its day 11 since my big girl i think its the wonderwoman popped the soil but remeber i forgot which one was which


plant outside.jpg so this is my baby its a wonder woman by nirvana. i have like 12 more seedlings 4 died from this little gnat lokin bug that ate the cotlyedons well there alive but theyre gonna be seriously stunted but its okay cuz there gonna b outside from may 1st til wenever they finish lol but i brought all the seedlings bk inside ohh and niranas maui i dont know how the buid is but lookin at the difference in either freshess or genetics the wonderwoman is a beast grows fast and the maui suckkssssssssss they take forever for new leaves to come out but anyways does this one look alittle stretched i see that everyone elses plants lok a little shorter than this one. and another question im in fox farm and i just transplanted to the 1 gallon jug from a cup so do i need nutes soon cuz this plant is coming up on week three and thats when fox farm says to use nutes and the colyedons are starting to get yellow and i know its supposed to happen but what should i expect next?? any help would beee apreciateddd


Active Member
Yes if you're in week three I would go ahead and start you're nutes at HALF strength and work you're way up slowly. Looking good besides that. Ever figure out what kind of bugs they were that ate you're plants? Good luck man!



Active Member
Actually I take that back since you have using the FF soil you will not need to feed for at least another month, that soil already has a lot of nutes in it and you dont want too much!


Active Member
yeah don't feed till it looks like it needs it...

it's looking happy...

are you going to top/lst?


Yea, im gonna wait alittle bit before i start using nutes. but on my other plant that got beat to shit and was deformed omne cotlyedon was burnt as soon as it came out of the ground and i put like a 3rd of nutes on it and its growing alot better its the same age as this one and its only on its 3rd set of leaves soooo very stunted but i put it outside in a good spot and its lookin better. and for topping and lst. i have nooooo idea how to top and i dont wanna kill the top part of the plant lol so ill probably LST but i dont knw wen i should start and would it be smart to do it if im gonna keep it outside for 4 months well until flower to get a monster?


one of my babiiies my maui thats torn to shit fell on the flooorrrrr :( so i picked his ass up and picked the soil off the ground and fixxed her she fell from my hand which is like 5 feet any one think shell have problems?? shes supper stressed as it is and she was sooo malformed well c what happens tommoroww!!! pics of everyone will be up tomorrow, also in the morning gonna transplant 3 of the biggest plants to water gallon jugs


SOOOO i have some problems this is what some of my plants look like their facing str8 uppppp i dnt know why some people say its nutrient lock some people say there just happy but it looks like at the bottom of on of the stems that its stretching and the ones that are facing str8 up are closer to the cfl then the others are i have updates of all my plants with picss
all of these are either maui from nirvana or wonderwoman for nirvana i also got some feminized moby dick on the way from green house.big momma.jpgfat leaves.jpgplant of left.jpgwonder outside.jpgplant left ish too.jpg


soo these are all my plants look at them and tell me what u think the ones indoors are under 4 26 watt cfls and one agro lite like a foot and a half feet away just for heat cuz my rooms pretty cold and the rest are ousid the sun is sooooooo much better for them than being inside its crazy how much they like being outside and how they grow