2 weeks into flower and plants are stunted


Well-Known Member
I was told that blood meal will burn unless it ages. I think that is the source to your problem. Maybe someone with more exp could confirm?
i believe the soil wasnt ready, not gonna go crazy trying to figure it out just gonna keep using the FF trio some calmag and silica like i have been and leave the organics for the outdoors. not much sense in growing organically indoors at least for me. synthetics have been doing the job for me and producing great fruits


Well-Known Member
i believe the soil wasnt ready, not gonna go crazy trying to figure it out just gonna keep using the FF trio some calmag and silica like i have been and leave the organics for the outdoors. not much sense in growing organically indoors at least for me. synthetics have been doing the job for me and producing great fruits
when you're tired of phing n purchansing cal mag n ph up, you'll be back.


Well-Known Member
Blood meal is bad Mkay!!!! I quit using it last year!

Maybe try full organic and ditch the coco.... I can plant directly in my soil mix without waiting and do not have any issues. When I was using Blood meal I had marginal yellowing and tip burn. I also do not use EWC... Haven't for almost a year now.

I also figured out that Molasses will cause issues during flowering so I have discontinued the use of it if there is a plant in the tub. I do however use it in a tea to keep my waiting tubs moist but never ever water a plant with it!!! I use clear water every time!

Another thing with organics is you need big containers! I prefer 18 gallon tubs but also use some 3.8 gallon pots. A 4 foot plant in a 3.8 will not be happy all the way to finish!