2 weeks into flowering, problems starting! help and advice please!


Active Member

As you can see from the pictures, I have a slight yellowing and brown spots on most of my leaves. I did as much reasearch as I could and all I could come up with was maybe nute burn? I flushed with 1.5 gallons of plain water yesterday just in case that was the problem. Lighting isnt burning, I am using 9 26w cfls (6-3 mix of 2700-6500) and make sure the cfls are at least 2-3 inches from the plant.

Like said in the title, the little fella is 2 weeks into flowering today (and still no sign of sex...irritating haha). I didn't start nuting the bugger until 3 weeks ago when transition started (started with 1/2 botanicare nute recomendation for first week and a half, and now at full dosage). I use the botanicare pro bloom (1-4-5) and botanicare sweet.

The problem was only on a couple leaves for a while, but around 3 days ago most of the plant started yellowing/brown spotting and I am getting concerned seeing how I am about to find out if its a boy/girl.

The first picture is a pic of the new set of leaves, making me more uncomfortable.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Did you feed them plain water after the flush? cos you should of chilled on the nutes for a few days. Also, it can take a while for the plant to show sex just be patient.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Full strength nutes almost always cause media toxicity. Flush again and start to feed at 25% first week.50% every week after that. Don't go any higher unless you see a deficiency.


Active Member
Did you feed them plain water after the flush? cos you should of chilled on the nutes for a few days. Also, it can take a while for the plant to show sex just be patient.
lol I fed just plain water durring the flush and gave em just plain water today. starting nutes again around weds. Showed sign of sex this morning, its a girl!!

Full strength nutes almost always cause media toxicity. Flush again and start to feed at 25% first week.50% every week after that. Don't go any higher unless you see a deficiency.
Yeah, i flushed today and starting nutes again around weds at 1/4-1/3 strength. Thanks

what are you using for soil?
I made the mistake of using miracle grow "6 month extended time release fert". had some burn problems in the beginning and flushed. everything was going great until now.

ALSO*- When I watered this morning with just plain water, the runoff had a brown-yellow tint to it. Is this bad or does it not mean anything serious?

But I'm doing everything I can think of to help save her! anything else would be greatly sppreciated


Well-Known Member
She looks like nutes burn she`ll come around and flower give her plain water for next time and pick them bernt ones off. she will dubble in size. then she`ll flower heavy.........good luck.......
but if he is using MG time release the more water he flushes with, the more nutes come out of the soil. Thats why I suggest Ocean Forest and suggest you transplant into something other than MG.


Active Member
transplant?? how do i go about transplant at 2 weeks of flowering and not cause intense root/plant stress?

But the brown spots have spread to a couple more of the new leaves and the yellowing seems to be slowing down a little.

But please let me know if transplanting is my best bet and how I go about transplanting a fully developed plant.

Thanks a lot,


Active Member

Hey, took some pics of the leaves I just cut off, hopefully someone can figure this quiz out! (I cut off all the leaves that were cripsy/completely all hope lost for. The plant still looks strong, and more attractive now that the bad leaves are out lol).

The last pic are the new growth leaves, a little different case than the rest. Just brown rust spots and not much yellow at all.

Some leaves heave much different spots though. Some have these dark purple spots that feel really soft/way different from the rest of the leaves.

Also, I just cut the part of the leaf off that seemed to be infected. If thats not right please let me know so i can take the entire leaf off from the stem.
Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
could be many things, humidity problems, nute burn, DEF

i would take the advice and not use MG - no long term growers tend to use this - i would either go with some FOX FARM and buy new nutes and soil

or go with Bio Light mix / ALL MIX and buy there range of nutes


fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
most of that shit is deficiencies caused be toxic soil. The flush should cure it. Don't know if I would add any nutes at all until it gets worse. I think the time release nutes are still pretty active. Picture 4 is incorrect pH


Active Member
You guys I am pretty sure are right on. The whole grow the ph has been high 6's low 7's. I've lowered the water down to 6.0-6.5 for the past couple of waterings, and the plant seems to be recovering (again, this is my first grow. just making an educated guess).

But I stumbled on to this http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 and I want to say that my problem was a manganese/calcium def. Not 100% sure but it seems to be right on with the description. My guess is the manganese/calcium was not getting into the plant because of poor ph.

But I do not have a ppm meter, I have not been able to find one anywhere and I have not been to my local hydro shop for a while. Its definently on my list to grab next time i head over there.

Just out of curiosity, how much did you guys pay for your ppm meters??


fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
pictures 1-3 are more than likely calcium def. caused by lockout/toxicity.
You'll not find a better plant doctor than stitch, that's for sure. I refer to that thread first with any problems.
You're probably ok after multiple flushes, just be easy with any nutes.
Buy a waterproof pH meter. You WILL drop it in a bucket sooner or later. About $80 for a decent meter. You can find them as cheap as $35, but why bother? You'll just have to replace it in a few months anyway. Don't forget to buy the calibration fluid. Calibrate once a week, even expensive meters drift. Mine was $250 and I still calibrate regularly.


Active Member
pictures 1-3 are more than likely calcium def. caused by lockout/toxicity.
You'll not find a better plant doctor than stitch, that's for sure. I refer to that thread first with any problems.
You're probably ok after multiple flushes, just be easy with any nutes.
Buy a waterproof pH meter. You WILL drop it in a bucket sooner or later. About $80 for a decent meter. You can find them as cheap as $35, but why bother? You'll just have to replace it in a few months anyway. Don't forget to buy the calibration fluid. Calibrate once a week, even expensive meters drift. Mine was $250 and I still calibrate regularly.

Yeah I can't even imagine how long it took him to make that, the mans dedicated. I dunno which plant problem isn't listed on that thread!

But hey much appreciated, I started back on ~30% nutes (botanicure 1-4-5 and botanicure "sweet") after flushing twice. I just really hope the leaves stop changing colors on me! I have discovered a lot of bud sites, and as you know from your first grow, I am too proud of this plant to end up empty handed because of pH.

will post pics in a couple days on progress,
Yo dude look up plant deficiencies table in the advanced search looks like cal def to me get calmag or some dolomite I encountered something similar got the dolomite and everything is just peachy! Peace from the middleeast lol