2 weeks into it, have some questions..please help!!!

brandonious maximus

Active Member
hey, I've started a small closet grow. I'm using 400w HM 24hrs a day, its been 2 weeks now and things are go in good, i hope. the temp in the room is a constant 75 degrees F, and humidity around 40%. I've recently transplanted into larger pots with organic soil from away. I've been watering about a cup a day of water, and every other with fox farm grow big. the plants are doing good so far, just some yellowing of the leaves. I'm keeping the reflector 12" away, and 2 500cfm exhaust fans going 24hrs also. just wondering what is making the leaves yellow, not all the plants are turning yellow(see pic)

???? and if i should add something to the soil. the seeds are just crappy reg seeds from a few different bags, so.........????

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

welcome to the boards.. NICE setup..

1. do not water everyday.. yikes.. this is bad news.. Water thoroughly (about 1/2 gallon) WHEN your PLANTS are thirsty.. This will be about every 3-10 days in 75 degree temps.. Putyour fingerinto the soil.. if the top 2-3 inches are dry you plants need watering.. you will also be able to tell because th pots will be very light. one of your plants is drooping because of over watering..


2. Are you ph balancing your water?
Do you own this kit or a similiar kit?


brandonious maximus

Active Member
so i guess I've been overwatering..boo...but ill slow it down. i bought a crappy pH tester that doesn't work, I'm growing in soil should i test the water and the soil?? also is the yellowing from over-watering or the fertilizer??? thanks again for the props..I'm thinking if all goes well I'm gonna get an aeromachine and try that out from some clones....but I'm still waiting for my blueberry seeds to arrive. but thanks for the help, i think I'm gonna take one of those videos too.....

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Yeah thats the first thing I thought too. Too much water.

One of these moisture meters would help too. Walmart 6.99.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Maximus.. WHAT IT BE BRO!! LOL

get a cheap PH test kit.. like the link I posted.. They are a must for all growers.. and they are very very easy to use..

IT is very very important to water with 6.0 - 7.0 ph water.. It is really impossible to diagnos your problem without first having the correct PH of your water...


and thanks for the pictures!!!

PH is the corner stone of growing!!!

brandonious maximus

Active Member
sweet thanks for the help, i think I'm gonna head to walmart and grab on of those moisture meters and see if i can find a working pH test kit cheap. but i went to a hydroponics store today and checked out what they got. i think I'm gonna try the Emily;s Garden 6 plant kit. its only like $89.00
and supposedly comes with all you need to grow. has anyone used this system before??? i just wanna get some more info the guy at the counter was kind of an asshole, so id like to get more info on it...hey and thanks again for all your guys help..

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

NO problem.. your plants are doing GOOD except for some discoloration which will get fixed with proper PH and Proper watering...

hang in there... i recommend staying and investing in your current grow rather than going to hydroponics..

hydroponics can be your next GROW


Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I agree with Knowm. Stick with what you have.

But I do think once you have learned how to grow a plant correctly, hydroponics is much easier. But much less forgiving.

brandonious maximus

Active Member
i found a meter for the soil, I'm getting a 7.5 pH, but i think i want to get it around 6.5..but the instructions are confusing listing a 5 lb unit of fertilizer for 100 square feet ...and that i should add some type of sulfate??? not sure what that means.....but I'm gonna try to grab a moisture meter tomorrow..to tune the watering. what i meant by getting the hydro unit, i was thinking about taking clones from the best female, and build a small clone chamber till they're ready to flower...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Don't worry about the soil for now.. Just make sure that when you water..

Water with 6.0-6.5 PH water... closer to 6 would be better since you know that your soil is a bit HIGH..


Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the soil for now.. Just make sure that when you water..

Water with 6.0-6.5 PH water... closer to 6 would be better since you know that your soil is a bit HIGH..


I just purchased one of those cheap ph probes for soil today. Come to find out all my mothers are at 6 and my 2 BB plants are at like 5.8. Those two plants I added blood meal to. Im sure thats why thay are lower. Anyways im going to start feeding them 7.0 water for a while and see if they go up some.

brandonious maximus

Active Member
well things seem to be doin a little better...the pH is stayin around 7.0 or a little under. still need to get that moisture meter, but payday is tommorow. the one growin next to my hand is gettin big fast...which is rad...but i lost one today due to a stem that wasnt workin to well, looks almost like its pinched like its tapered. but oh well, 4 plants is good i think...i think im just gonna let em all grow even if there are males. the more seeds of these the better, still waitin on my blueberry seeds to arrive...so i think im gonna let em get about a foot tall since i dont have that much height to play with. ive been keepin the lights about 12" away...but im keepin my fingers crossed that the big one is a female so i can possibly take clones..if i can figure out how to(any suggestins???) or do you think i should just let em all grow out??? im indecisive about it...but any help would be greatly appriciated...thanks again everyone....laters



Im new to this website and need some advice. I have 2 4ft flouros (40watt,5000k,96cri each) and 2 42 watt CFL's. Is this enough light for 1 plant? any kind of advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
cloning suggestion, first, you'll find ALOT of them on this website, so this is how I do it, and not just with mj, with everything,pretty much. Take a good clipping, manicure it leaving only the top leaves, dip the bottom in water, than in confectioners sugar...I try to get as much to stick on it as possible, many p eople use a rooting hormone, but I don't think its necessary, though probably cool to use if you have it, then plant it. most people leave them in a glass of water or some other medium until they root, I just plant them and keep them moist for a good week, not soaked. yea, hope that helps, bst of luck, like I said, you'll find alot more suggestions as you dig around here, many from people with boundless more experience than I do... :)