2 weeks into season


Well-Known Member
Seasons just started for me about 2 weeks in , removed the open bottom compost bin that was In the ground for about 8 years and cut the bottom off a 60ltre fabric pot an planted a few seedlings straight into it planning on doing a large outdoor Scrog I have the large frame and wire for it already , i also got about 8 more seedlings in small pots I was going to mix it up with with a few in no till soil , some in normal soil with added nutes ect . Hiding the plants are not an issue , but I’m a bit worried as we sometimes have a pretty rough storm season in about 3-4 months , so I’m after some ideas on building a rain shelter that can withstand some strong winds , will post monthly updates and get more frequently towards the end . will be my first grow straight into ground so im pretty open to tips and suggestions .


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mid East coast of Australia just a little south of the tropics of Capricorn , yeah I’ll be moving then into there own pots in a few days when this No till soil is delivered unless the roots are already tangled but they shouldn’t be yet I’ll cull 2 during veg if that’s the case
Good luck this season @aquadel , although I’m glad I’m hitting the home stretch outside and not starting fresh.
thx man , I deffs know what you mean I’ve done outdoors a lot in pots and it’s a pain in the ass towards the end ,but never grown a few big monsters befor in the ground so aiming for that , I would like to pull out all the old indoor gear too , but kids and stuff have put a hold on that idea until I buy or build my own shed
Since you already said you’re in Australia, I hope you won’t mind a question about your country. A lot of good pot growing equipment comes from Australia; Grow lights Australia, Mountain Air carbon filters, Cyco nutrients. I use all 3 and I’m in Canada.
Is there a large amount of these types of companies there, or mostly just these ones? All made in Au as well I think.
Bluelab is Nz too I believe, that’s close.
my local store has all of those brand except the grow lights Australia , spectrum king seems to be the no 1 led brand here , ive been cosindering getting The cyco started kit once I use up all my house and garden bottles , cyco has shown up here years ago and even since it appeared i haven’t seen any AN nutes around . Canna would probably be the most popular brand for nutes and soils and Coco still , we have a few Australian brands but there a bit smaller compared to the ones you mentioned . Now that we can get a medical prescription we are starting to catch up with grow gear
Only got out and repotted the little ones today they were getting root bound , I’m planning on culling a few over the next few months pretty pleased with the growth and the weather has been perfect lately , I topped most of them yesterday and started to weave 3 through a net thing I put together myself , I’m hoping having the space underneath the canopy will allow me to get some air flow under and through it during flower


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Down to the 3 plants , had a shit week of weather last week but should be good from now I had some N problems on the one In the net but it’s improving I gave it a top dress with A lotta different composted manures and blood and bone and hoof and zeolite ect ect. The ones in the ground have not been fed anything butmostly everything should be in that soil , trying to bend and train as much as I can until flower start in approx feb


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Seasons just started for me about 2 weeks in , removed the open bottom compost bin that was In the ground for about 8 years and cut the bottom off a 60ltre fabric pot an planted a few seedlings straight into it planning on doing a large outdoor Scrog I have the large frame and wire for it already , i also got about 8 more seedlings in small pots I was going to mix it up with with a few in no till soil , some in normal soil with added nutes ect . Hiding the plants are not an issue , but I’m a bit worried as we sometimes have a pretty rough storm season in about 3-4 months , so I’m after some ideas on building a rain shelter that can withstand some strong winds , will post monthly updates and get more frequently towards the end . will be my first grow straight into ground so im pretty open to tips and suggestions .
I'm in Qld, and storms around March April were the issue last year. Had to pull a few early due to constant rain and violent storms. Mould was hard to control, and a few colas disappeared in the wind. Those look very similar to the plants I grew outside.
Grew a few Sativas and they all started flowering around the end of January, start of Feb last year. This year is supposed to be far wetter than last, so I wish you the best luck.
I’m about to grab some fresh pics mate , they have taken off … I wanted big plants but 8 more weeks veg and then stretch is going to push it ,and yeah it’s been raining for like 2 weeks now kinda hoping this lanina bs goes away by late flower thx for the Qld weather reminders but all I did was mark out were the most sun was on my property at January onwards
Willl be happy if I make it through this season , not looking too good but


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