Hey guys,
Need some help diagnosing this problem, from what I've read it looks like it could be a low magnesium problem or possibly Nitrogen, although I am unsure what. Ph tests 6.2-6.4 on some of the pics you can see yellowing in the veins. After about a week of vegging they were started on some 24-8-16 fert @ 1/2 - 3/4 recommended dosage but after noticing the initial yellowing this was stopped and back to pure water for the last 6 days and the situation has worsened
Let me know what you think!
2) Growing indoor
3) Watering Every other day, watering to plenty of run off
4) Growing Medium, Spag. Peat Mix
5) What stage of growth, Vegetative
Need some help diagnosing this problem, from what I've read it looks like it could be a low magnesium problem or possibly Nitrogen, although I am unsure what. Ph tests 6.2-6.4 on some of the pics you can see yellowing in the veins. After about a week of vegging they were started on some 24-8-16 fert @ 1/2 - 3/4 recommended dosage but after noticing the initial yellowing this was stopped and back to pure water for the last 6 days and the situation has worsened
Let me know what you think!
2) Growing indoor
3) Watering Every other day, watering to plenty of run off
4) Growing Medium, Spag. Peat Mix
5) What stage of growth, Vegetative
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