2 weeks old :) please advise if i need to change owt!


here is my first grow..

19 babies due to 1 not going anywere so i binned it,,

at the moment i,m in to week 2 and half .
i have 2 600watt lights doing the vegg
and i have another 2 600w llights ready to go in when i turn them to flower..
i am using a average basic nutrient A and B.
also applying Big Bud every other day lol :)
this is just for trial and error and to see if it makes them much bigger during vegg lol..
i have a 2m x 2m x 2m tent with a 4" carbon fibre filter kit
the rrom temp when light is on is about 85.0c
and when it is off it drops to about 65.0c (deegres celcius)

at the moment i only feed them half a pint every 2 days and this seems to be working fine.
its 6 litres of water. to 13ml of a and 13ml of B. then 10ml of Big Bud..
i have a 4" oscalating fan rotating around the room aswell.

the first day i went up the tent was piss wet thru due to the heat not gettin out but soon sorter this out by opening the zip a little.

any advice would be great as i,m new to this sport really have done emm before but that was with fully pledged memberd of the i can go buy what i want when i want club lmao .. so please comment

heres the pics :)



That amount of lights your using puts out serious heat 4 " fan not enough out put.. you need atleast 2 running 24 /7


Well-Known Member
That 85c has got to be wrong, thats a friggin oven.. Do you have any exhaust fans, you need air-cooled hoods in a tent like that with 2 600s going.


That 85c has got to be wrong, thats a friggin oven.. Do you have any exhaust fans, you need air-cooled hoods in a tent like that with 2 600s going.

Lool I know ... I'm using 2 600 air cooled hoods + 2.. 6' extractor unit. + 2 10' oscallating fans just keeping her temps right


Ok ok . But ther growing like mad lol. Wat is the average temp wen light is on? And i have a 4" carbon fibre which dus suk alot of heat out with it .. Whats the a erage height to veg 2? And wat do you think of big bud and overdrive??


The themometre is sat on the floor next to the pots its only a old mercury one . The actual room temp with the wi.d is alot cooler .. Still very warm though.. But the thermometre is directly under the light and it wont count the breeze. So maybe wrong lol. Thznks for the comments . Ill update soon


Ok ok . But ther growing like mad lol. Wat is the average temp wen light is on? And i have a 4" carbon fibre which dus suk alot of heat out with it .. Whats the a erage height to veg 2? And wat do you think of big bud and overdrive??
70 / 80 degrees Fahrenheit lights on is a good temp.. lights off 64 / 71 degrees Fahrenheit ..

I veg till 3 ft

Big bud is pretty good use
Over drive heard its shit