2 White Widows and 1 Blackberry 4 weeks into flowering. What do you think?


Active Member
The 2 White Widows are obviously the two that look like Christmas trees with white garland wrapped around them. The Blackberry is the one with the many branches that have nice tops on them. Ocean Forest 12/12 400w HPS alternate water/tiger bloom waterings.



Active Member
Amazing looking plants. I am growing both those strains in a SoG set up. I hope mine turn out like yours.

Here is my plants. I have 6 plants in flowering tent but lights are off so no pics till tomorrow of flowering tent.
I learned that both these strains are really easy to clone. I've taken 6 clones so far and all have rooted 100%.

Peace and positive energy to you.



l.s.d smoker

Active Member
very nice m8 2 more weeks and theyl b ready nice big colas. keepn me eye on these, ad love ta try the blkbry. good growing.


Active Member
Curious to know the yield of them both. I'm growing Purple Kush right now, but my next grow was going to be 3 Widows and 3 Blackberry's since I already have the seeds and started germinating.


Active Member
Curious to know the yield of them both. I'm growing Purple Kush right now, but my next grow was going to be 3 Widows and 3 Blackberry's since I already have the seeds and started germinating.
After I harvest and dry I'll let you guys know.

The Blackberry seed I got out of a bag. It was the only one and it didn't look too good. But it cracked and sprouted!


Active Member
Yeah attitudes legit no worries. but yeah please let me know I was just reading a thread before about how someone said that widow takes up to 3 weeks longer to flower,dry, and cure. So I just want to know for sure.