2' x 4' White Rhino SCRog


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, this is my first grow journal, though I have a few harvests under my belt. I am growing in a 2' x 4' x 5' tent. I am using the CAP ebb and gro, currently only with 4 plants. I have a 600w HPS setup for lighting, air cooled(half way) and am currently a little over a week into flower. The last grow I did in this tent, I ended up burning some of the bud and leaves from having them so close to the bulb. I didn't want that to happen again, so I decided to scrog these plants. This is my first time doing scrog, and the plants were bigger than the screen before I put them in, so I had to bend them from the beginning. So far things are looking good, I don't know if I will fill my screen, but hopefully some great stuff comes out of this. Any comments/criticism welcome.


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
You gotttta fill the screen, thats what scroggings about, they look real healthy, just keep pushing the tops that try to grow through the screen back under, and it will become a vine maze :)


Well-Known Member
You gotttta fill the screen, thats what scroggings about, they look real healthy, just keep pushing the tops that try to grow through the screen back under, and it will become a vine maze :)
I'm trying my best, it just seems like the plants bunch up in certain areas, and in others it is more sparce.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
it's just because you put the screen on so late, it's more gradual if you let them grow to the screen because it's just a form of low stress training, but this will work. Also, scrogging can take up to 5 weeks of veg to allow the plants to fill in enough. Also, when you trigger flowering cycle, remember to keep pushing them down under the screen for atleast a week in to flowering, because they keep stretching for a while, so you want to make sure only the Cola's get through, then you willl have a nice Scrog... Check out this one plant one pound scrog. It's pretttty crazy http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=12653


Well-Known Member
Everything is going good, I don't really have the time to veg the plants through the screen, so I'm just going to use it to keep the branches down a little. Not really a scrog, but something close. It's not really exciting right now, but once they start filling in with buds, I'll be updating a lot more with pics. It's only a matter of time.:joint: