2 x 400W Induction LA Con SOG


Active Member
Hmmmmmmm.........wow. Never seen an induction light grow. Very nice ! The temps are probably good to. You got me thinking......lots. CMH and induction are two new ventures I am pondering.


Loving the LA Confidential too. Props.
Thanks man I appreciate it. Just in case you're new, I grew with 1000W MH/HPS in the same setup first grow and had to run a portable AC to keep things cool. Energy bill was $250+ in veg. Since the new lights I've sold the portable AC (temps stay consistently around 81) and my energy bill is now in the $160+ in veg. Real numbers in a world getting more expensive with each day. Also, the internodal spacing in veg with these lights is simply amazing. Good luck whatever you do!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I appreciate it. Just in case you're new, I grew with 1000W MH/HPS in the same setup first grow and had to run a portable AC to keep things cool. Energy bill was $250+ in veg. Since the new lights I've sold the portable AC (temps stay consistently around 81) and my energy bill is now in the $160+ in veg. Real numbers in a world getting more expensive with each day. Also, the internodal spacing in veg with these lights is simply amazing. Good luck whatever you do!
Cool, thanks for the info. I will be reading up on these induction lights. I am having real good success right now (minus yellowing) with HPS, but I think the radiant heat from the bulbs is not helping.

Induction lighting, or even CMH would lower the heat, which would help with stealth. I could turn my Vortex fan way down for noise control.

You really have me thinking now. Still watching this thread..............


Well-Known Member
I've been watching this grow from the cheap seats. Kudos to Solcielo for the journal and the improving second grow. Great work brutha!

As to the Inda-Gro vs CMH choice I'll throw my .02 in here. Not withstanding the higher operating temperature of the CMH you have color shifting that occurs within the first 100 hours and continuously shifts spectrum as halides inherently will do. Google up 'metal halide color shifting' and you'll find lot's of industry articles that discuss this phenomena. Here's one;

"Color variations among MH lamps of the same type can be much greater than color variations among incandescent lamps of the same wattage or among linear fluorescent lamps of the same rated correlated color temperature (CCT). Color variations among MH lamps are particularly noticeable during the first 100 hours (h) of operation. Color variations can be minimized by selecting MH lamps of the same wattage, from the same manufacturer and orienting them with the same operating position (e.g., all base-up). MH lamps also exhibit color shifts as they age, more than with either incandescent or linear fluorescent lamps. Group relamping will help to minimize color shifts as lamps age."

So as an area light goes the eye does not notice the wavelength shift unless there are multiple lamps which can all be seen together and some have been changed whereas others have not. Then the eye will pick up the color change. However as a grower it's more important to achieve stable PAR wavelengths and intensities. Induction lumen output is very stable and depreciates only around 10% up to 70,000 hrs. So if your mother is grown under a consistently stable wavelength and intensity then clones from that mother will be genetically predisposed to those conditions (as long as they're in PAR ranges) and successive generations will see increased yields.

On another note; I was wondering if anyone has tried outdoor seeds under these lamps to see if these wider spectrum PAR lamp ranges allow successful indoor growing?


Active Member
I've been watching this grow from the cheap seats. Kudos to Solcielo for the journal and the improving second grow. Great work brutha!

As to the Inda-Gro vs CMH choice I'll throw my .02 in here. Not withstanding the higher operating temperature of the CMH you have color shifting that occurs within the first 100 hours and continuously shifts spectrum as halides inherently will do. Google up 'metal halide color shifting' and you'll find lot's of industry articles that discuss this phenomena. Here's one;

"Color variations among MH lamps of the same type can be much greater than color variations among incandescent lamps of the same wattage or among linear fluorescent lamps of the same rated correlated color temperature (CCT). Color variations among MH lamps are particularly noticeable during the first 100 hours (h) of operation. Color variations can be minimized by selecting MH lamps of the same wattage, from the same manufacturer and orienting them with the same operating position (e.g., all base-up). MH lamps also exhibit color shifts as they age, more than with either incandescent or linear fluorescent lamps. Group relamping will help to minimize color shifts as lamps age."

So as an area light goes the eye does not notice the wavelength shift unless there are multiple lamps which can all be seen together and some have been changed whereas others have not. Then the eye will pick up the color change. However as a grower it's more important to achieve stable PAR wavelengths and intensities. Induction lumen output is very stable and depreciates only around 10% up to 70,000 hrs. So if your mother is grown under a consistently stable wavelength and intensity then clones from that mother will be genetically predisposed to those conditions (as long as they're in PAR ranges) and successive generations will see increased yields.

On another note; I was wondering if anyone has tried outdoor seeds under these lamps to see if these wider spectrum PAR lamp ranges allow successful indoor growing?
I always assumed the labeling of "indoor" or "outdoor" seeds was just a sales gimmick.

And I'm no botanist and I barely limped through an environmental class that touched on genetics in college, however, I didn't think it possible to consistently genetically alter a plants predisposition/DNA with one generation or Mom plant using only a light source as the catalyst.

Not trying to bust balls just playing Devil's Advocate.


Active Member
Not much left by way of pictures or journal writing to be done in this thread. Maybe a few macro shots if i can find where I packed my camera amidst all the boxes. Everything harvested and cured wonderfully with an undetermined weight somewhere close to 330g out of 1 square meter without CO2 enrichment. I look forward to the day I have many square meters, many lights, controllers, and CO2 enrichment :) Sad to say though that is a far off dream as the next few months I will be way to busy to grow.

As the lighting seems to be the most interesting part of this and past grow journals, I will end it with a mention of something I saw the other day. I happened to be working in the area that the inda-gro shop is located at and dropped by out of the blue. They showed me some of their sexy looking new assemblies that are about half as heavy, way sexier manifolds, with superior reflective surfaces; all in all some great changes to some already pretty impressive lights.

This is Herry from Oppeo Lighting, one professional supplier of induction lamp and LED lighting. Both of these lights have their own advantage for different application, induction lamp mainly used for industrial and commercial, LED will be better used for residential or commercial which need small wattage. Welcome to visit www.oppeo.com or email oppeolighting@gmail.com
In a word, induction lamp and LED are really the 4th generation lighting source in 21st century. It is good substitute of florescent lights, incandescent lights, high pressure lamp, metal halide lamp and energy saving light.


Active Member
as always i point people to the most comprehensive website on the subject I've found as of yet (in full disclosure they do sell the lights I use). You can spend quite a few hours learning about the technology digging through www.inda-gro.com which is much more productive than trying to dig through all the nay-sayers posts on the subject for some sort of information


Well-Known Member
Not to be picky Herry from Oppeo Lighting but in English we spell it 'fluorescent'

This is Herry from Oppeo Lighting, one professional supplier of induction lamp and LED lighting. Both of these lights have their own advantage for different application, induction lamp mainly used for industrial and commercial, LED will be better used for residential or commercial which need small wattage. Welcome to visit www.oppeo.com or email oppeolighting@gmail.com

In a word, induction lamp and LED are really the 4th generation lighting source in 21st century. It is good substitute of florescent lights, incandescent lights, high pressure lamp, metal halide lamp and energy saving light.


Well-Known Member
Hey Solcielo

What are you up to?

I've been averaging yields at right around a dense gram/watt on the 420 series. Thinking about getting a light mover too which with the larger area coverage should put me well over that figure.

Anyway how are the 400's doing for you? Are you doing anything different from this last post? Still doing any of the Blue Dream?

Much obliged for your sharing and be well.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
This is Herry from Oppeo Lighting, one professional supplier of induction lamp and LED lighting. Both of these lights have their own advantage for different application, induction lamp mainly used for industrial and commercial, LED will be better used for residential or commercial which need small wattage. Welcome to visit www.oppeo.com or email oppeolighting@gmail.com

In a word, induction lamp and LED are really the 4th generation lighting source in 21st century. It is good substitute of florescent lights, incandescent lights, high pressure lamp, metal halide lamp and energy saving light.
I did not see a Grow exclusive light on that site. Are they selling them now?


Active Member
All sorts of things but growing is off the table at the moment. Life is just too hectic. Bought a home, threw a huge wedding, relapsed with cancer (leukemia) and spent 2 months in the hospital. Gave my ambitious Mom's away (some nice 2' potted beauties, THC bomb and White Ruski) to a good friend and unplugged everything from the new room I had been building since moving in a few months ago along with a contractor's help. Not much else, I'll check back in in a few weeks.

Hey Solcielo

What are you up to?

I've been averaging yields at right around a dense gram/watt on the 420 series. Thinking about getting a light mover too which with the larger area coverage should put me well over that figure.

Anyway how are the 400's doing for you? Are you doing anything different from this last post? Still doing any of the Blue Dream?

Much obliged for your sharing and be well.


Well-Known Member
All sorts of things but growing is off the table at the moment. Life is just too hectic. Bought a home, threw a huge wedding, relapsed with cancer (leukemia) and spent 2 months in the hospital. Gave my ambitious Mom's away (some nice 2' potted beauties, THC bomb and White Ruski) to a good friend and unplugged everything from the new room I had been building since moving in a few months ago along with a contractor's help. Not much else, I'll check back in in a few weeks.
Then get better and get back bubba since we all want to know more about that 'grandiose plan' when you get back to rolling speed. In the meantime feast your eyes. #1-4 are mine.


& this vid of a Comparison Grow 1000watt HPS vs IndaGro 420 series.


No doubt we'll be seeing you in the not too distant future.


Active Member
Did you use the PAR 400 lights or the next generation Pro420PAR lights? It is reported that the Pro420PAR are producing even better quality and hard assed buds, with more trichromes and oil.


Active Member
the original PAR 400's, I can't wait to get my hands on one or two more of the Pro420PAR they look fantastic.

Also to mention I've got one of their newer style 250W lights in my 4x4 tent and it's keeping an 96 site TuborKloner and 6 mother plans FANTASTICALLY.


Well-Known Member
I am going to buy one of these 420 lights they work out about £500 to ship to the UK just wondering about the electric supply in the uk its 240v with 3 pin plug any info in regards to this would be very helpful to me


Active Member
I am going to buy one of these 420 lights they work out about £500 to ship to the UK just wondering about the electric supply in the uk its 240v with 3 pin plug any info in regards to this would be very helpful to me

I have to defer to the experts at www.inda-gro.com on this one. you might email them and they should be able to answer any such questions.


Well-Known Member
Hey stranger! Glad to see your still shaking and baking bro! How's it been hanging 4 ya health wise and all? Assuming there's some gardening goin on are you running the 400's or the 420's?