20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

Problem with azamax and other products is over time mites can grow a amunity to it and the shit hits the fan
I use it to but only in the res to kill bugs in the medium, on the surface i use the mighty wash bugs cant grow
Amunitys to it and it kills on contact not over time. Eggs adults there fried by the freq. Water
Problem with azamax and other products is over time mites can grow a amunity to it and the shit hits the fan
I use it to but only in the res to kill bugs in the medium, on the surface i use the mighty wash bugs cant grow
Amunitys to it and it kills on contact not over time. Eggs adults there fried by the freq. Water
Really? weird. I didnt know the bugs stopped eating it? It takes three days at least for it to kill them. I want proof that bugs get immune to pestisides. Cause i aint gone none. It really fucks up there reproducing.
My phone doesn't seem to allow me to use reply with quote and I have no other Internet at the moment. I was trying to quote CG in post #1032.
First off the story about the people getting reimbursed $6,400 a plant is awesome.
As far as the resistance to relaxing MJ laws in any form, there certainly is a lot of money funding it. How much do we waste in the so called war on drugs? Since pot is the most used drug a good portion of that money is used on fighting marijuana. It's a big fucking business and tons of people are making a living from it. And with the crap drug education that exists there are a lot of ignorant people who think if you try pot you'll end up a homeless junkie doing all sorts of awful things to fund your habit. That's getting better, but not much and not quickly enough. At least most people my age and younger have seen that most people who smoke do just fine in life.
I'm personally against the prohibition of all drugs. We saw what prohibition did with alcohol, it actually increased alcohol consumption. Because there was no one monitoring the manufacture it resulted in people putting all kinds of dangerous shit like wood alcohol being added or outright sold as alcohol, causing a huge jump in alcohol related health problems including blindness and death from people ingesting methanol. Worst of all it caused violent criminal gangs to take over the supply. With alcohol illegal there was no legal recourse if a deal went south. Instead of being able to sue someone for breech of contract the gangs had to use violence and hope to make an example of the person so that others would be afraid to do something. The same situation exists today with every illegal drug. Nothing is pure or of a known potency. You could buy a bundle of dope (10 bags of heroin for those who don't know) and one bag might have a bit that didn't mix properly with the cut and is 80-90% pure while the rest are only 20%. The user can be safe and do a test shot and find that one bag of the 20% gets them to where they want to be. Then they do the uncut bag and OD and quite possibly die because the stigma of using hard drugs mean people do them in isolation. Even having safe spots to use like they have in Vancouver prevents this tragedy. But we can't relax the drug laws. The current methamphetamine epidemic is MUCH MUCH worse than the pretty much worldwide post WW2 meth epidemic because back then it was pharm grade 99%+ pure. Every army that fought in WW2 was methed up. They gave it to soldiers to combat fatigue. There was one pill they made that was a combo of meth, cocaine, and oxycodone they gave to soldiers to keep them awake, alert, energetic, aggressive, and numb to pain. Afer the war there was so much stockpiled that they started marketing it to civillians. Probably half the housewives in the US were on mothers little helper that was an amphetamine a barbiturate (don't even get me started on how dangerous these are) or a combo of the two. It wasn't until we had a counterculture that used drugs that they became a "problem." I'm not in favor of people using drugs like meth and crack and heroin, but I'm not naive enough to think that people aren't going to do them regardless of their legal status. And I'm certainly not in favor of violent criminal organizations making billions from the sale of them and literally ripping countries apart (look at how much violence there is in Mexico or Columbia). If drugs were legal the violence would be hugely reduced, they could be sold known purities, potencies, and quantities. And instead of spending billions trying to do the impossible and stop people from getting high, the government could tax the shit out of them (making them legal reduces the number of middlemen who increase the price and put god knows what into them, drugs are almost all cheap to produce) without really effecting the end user price per dose. Take say half of that money and put it into funding drug treatment so help is readily available and accessable, and bank the rest. We also save because people won't be going to jail for possesing drugs. The police will be freed up to investigate actual crimes.
Even marijuana isn't safe because of prohibition. People kill over the money associated with it, people spray microscopic glass balls on pot to make it look like it has more crystals. I'm a chemist (or was before my health problems made me unable to work) so I know people who work in crime labs and they've told me that the glass thing is becoming more and more common, these are friends who have no problem with me smoking so they aren't trying to scare me straight (I've seen it in Microgram, the DEA's formerly internal journal about the analysis of seized drugs, as well. It stopped being inhouse because it got leaked so much that they make it available to the public now) it did scare me enough that a few months back I got some especially frosty nugs from a guy who quite possibly gets his shit from the kind of people who would try to improve the bag appeal at the expense of someone's health. So I asked a friend to run it on the TEM and it was straight, it was actually some of the best nugget I've had in awhile. But I was concerned about wether or not my pot was too good (not that pot can be too good) or too good to be true. Because of prohibition.
I think pot will be legalized first. And that the resultant increase in revenue fro
taxation and drop in crime, etc results in an end to prohibition. It only hurts people.
Sorry for the rant. This is an issue that makes me kinda run my mouth.
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE If you don't ever post a thing again after this please just post a picture of the electrical bill...
its gotta be like $2000 a month...

It very known that mites build a amunity to it, the adults eat it and before they die they lay eggs and the new born
Sport a bit of a amunity. As generation go by that amunity grow stronger then you end up with a super mite,
Why they say use several different things to fight them.
It very known that mites build a amunity to it, the adults eat it and before they die they lay eggs and the new born
Sport a bit of a amunity. As generation go by that amunity grow stronger then you end up with a super mite,
Why they say use several different things to fight them.

I am done playing nice nice with the mites. I need to find someone in another state to recieve a bottle of Floramite and Avid for me and send it to my PO box. These 2 seem to be the #1 way to fist pump a mite into therapy...then death. Contact kill on eggs and adults for 28 days with Floramite. Expensive as hell...I don't care. I had a good month that could have been better w/o the bugs. And, I don't give one rat's ass about how toxic they are at this point. Let me kill them all...THEN, I'll move on to safe controls for the FEW mites that may show up. This has gone on too long, and I've spent too much time and $$$ trying to make the granola heads happy. Now I'll just say "Floramie is a molecule...molecules are natural...Floramite is natural." Die you mite fuckers, and I hope it hurts.
sorry to hear the predators arent working out for you CG. definitely time for an all out war on those suckers. That mighty wash that hellraizer mentioned sounds pretty cool. i use a wasp killer that works the same way and it knocks them right out of the air, dead almost instantly.
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Well that sucks cg I dont want to seem like a sales pitch but im having great luck
With mighty wash never seen or tryed floralmite
You should check out LEDBUDGUYS new hydro setup. He's running 12 357 magnums and 8 ISIS-FX1's over 24 purple kush in the craziest fucking hydro syetem you have ever seen!!! http://ledbudguy.com/showthread.php/49-357-magnum-led-vs.-super-lemon-haze

Go away. Stay away. Make your sale's pitches someplace else. Jesus, at least say HI before you start with the selling. You gave your pitch, now here's mine. LED's suck ass. I have used them in flowering applications and HID lights work much MUCH better. There is a reason I have 18 - 1000 watt HID's. IF LED's worked, I would have used them. Please, nobody waste their money on LED's. The worst 2 I know of are the 357 Magnums and the 8ISIS-FX1's. Those 2 lights barely even promote growth. The customer service is awful, as well. As I see it, inductive lighting may be the only viable economically feasable replacement for HID. LED has come and gone.

Now, I think I'll stop by any thread where you have posted and give my opinion. You cold called the wrong place, bud.
Cg what are the reason predators aren't working, in your opinion. Is it ur temps, rh?

I mean what is more powerful than a creatures will to survive? How could they not work? They must eat. If they have been around for millions of years evovling and adapting and most importantly, eating, then I just don't understand?you would think, as long as you have enough, they will work.

Maybe the guys ripped u off. I know you said there cool but it just doesn't make sense to me
hey y'all just thought i'd stop by and say hi and thanks for the shoutout, cg. in case you'd noticed i've been having myself a wee hiatus from 'talking shop' (meantime i've retreated into the kitchen to explore some more 'traditionally feminine' pursuits..... yum!) i've finally tracked down some food grade citric acid and my extraction is doing it's thang as i type this. i stupidly passed on some liquid lecithin last week so i added a bit of glycerin to see if it aids the 'liposomal encapsulation'. i've just realised that i won't know unless i do a side-by-side so i'll probably start one sans glycerin, hopefully today.

the led marketers are out in full force eh? i've had one hit up my GARDEN thread 3 times, he doesn't seem to understand that i don't have (nor plan to have) a light setup over my backyard for my outdoor veggies. thankfully (for them) none of them have found my journal yet, but if they think we're replacing our still-warranteed quantum family, they are not only barking up the wrong tree but standing knee deep in poison oak while they howl.
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Go away. Stay away. Make your sale's pitches someplace else. Jesus, at least say HI before you start with the selling. You gave your pitch, now here's mine. LED's suck ass. I have used them in flowering applications and HID lights work much MUCH better. There is a reason I have 18 - 1000 watt HID's. IF LED's worked, I would have used them. Please, nobody waste their money on LED's. The worst 2 I know of are the 357 Magnums and the 8ISIS-FX1's. Those 2 lights barely even promote growth. The customer service is awful, as well. As I see it, inductive lighting may be the only viable economically feasable replacement for HID. LED has come and gone.

Wow, I hate that they don't even bother trying to hide the fact they're fuckin' sleezy salesman. I hate the way this came about, but I was actually curious about what you thought of LED's. Now I know, lol. I had heard a few good things about the Stealth Grow lights from a buddy, particularly the Veg light. But with those things being something like 1,500 bucks a pop I couldn't imagine ever running a grow with them unless they were proven to be top notch.
You know there peddling an inferior product when they turn it into a numbers game, by spamming. "If I put this msg on 20 forums and 2000 ppm read it ill sell 5"
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