$20 70w HPS


Well-Known Member
The photocell/ light sensor is what tells the light when to turn on and off (dawn and dusk) if you use it outside. Get the regular one and wire it up normally to an extension cord and you will be good to go


the 1 i have seen is the sort of 1s that you see in most carparks in the uk. 70w and 5600 lumens i has a plastic housing so no need to worry about misting your leaves etc

Cap K

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
is this 4 real??? i can just wire up a plug 2 this and its ready 2 go???
Pretty much, yes. However, if you take the time to rip the guts out of it, you can make it more efficient, since you can extend the ballast out of the grow area (for less heat), and remove the glass shield (which will give more usable light).


Well-Known Member
Thats a great find dont get me wrong. Uk'ers for sure. Here in the states if you watch the home repair store flyers, especially Menards, basically the same fixture goes on sale 2 or 3 times a year. For us here, about $45 on sale w/bulb. Alot of the time you can find them for just over $50. For someone who wants to get into the lowryder biz. These work wonderfully. And again nice find BBot. +rep for sharing the love to our grower pals across the pond.


Well-Known Member
Home Depot's got 400 watt hps for bout $22 no ballast though
Those Depot and the likes HPS will work fine, but you get what you pay for. They are way on the warm side of kelvin (most anyways). Better off spending 45 or so on a better spectrum bulb.


Active Member
thanks nocturn although that seems lyk a bit 2 much lyk hard mork 4 me lol. ive onli started my first grow, my 1st seed sprouted 2day will hav pics up later this evenin or 2moro morn. total setup is completely cheap as. but decided 2 get a proper setup, thou wont hav it until the end of august so for now im runnin with 3 20w red cfls, gona add a 125w blue cfl this friday when i get payed. also some proper soil, i planted the 1st seed 2 sprout in2 bandq top soil. gona splash out on some biobuzz all mix this friday 2.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I buy the 70 watt and 150 watt hps ballast at Home Plus and home depot all the time. They are cheap and quick to setup and I take the guts out and mount them in diamond plate welded boxes or use them in tight places. The 70 watt hps ballast at like Home Plus is usually around $15 and the 150 hps can be grabbed at most home depots for around $50-65 a cord costs 2 bucks and good to go.Im am trying to figure CapK's thing about 400 watt bulbs being at homedepot but no ballast?? Not sure what a bulb with no ballast does and those bulbs they have are pretty crappy spectrum and output wise.


Active Member
I saw one of those 400 watt HPS in home depot the other day, but like you said, no ballast. Is there any way to rig a light setup to where you could run one of those big boys (buying at Home Depot) and not burn your house down?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
you need a ballast to run a hps or mh bulb. The ballast they sell at these home store are fine to use and your not roing anything unusual to it. Instead of hardwiring the light to a circuit your just adding a wall plug using an extension cord. 3 wires 3 caps and 3 minutes and your good