20 acts of kindness


Well-Known Member
I saw on the web today that there is this twitter trend going on to remember the children of Sandy Hook elementary. I don't use twitter but I'm going to do this. I will try to post all of them here on this thread, if any of you like this or think its cool, please share your random acts of kindness. I don't know how long it will take, and I hope I can remember to keep up and post all 20, but I'm doing it.

The RIU community can come together to share in some good after such a tragic incident. No arguments about gun control, there are threads already started for that. Let's just remember the lives of these kids in a positive way.

Any ways, love you guys and gals of RIU.


Well-Known Member
I have been hearing news about the man going into walmarts and paying off peoples layaway's for Christmas and another hanging out 100$ bills to people..


I have been hearing news about the man going into walmarts and paying off peoples layaway's for Christmas and another hanging out 100$ bills to people..

this happened to one of my moms friends, she had 300 dollars on layaway at walmart and someone paid it off for her. i hotught that was nice.


Active Member
a couple of years ago ,when me and my family were not doing so well, an old lady gave my dad 300 dollars for christmas.


Well-Known Member
#1. Today at work as a security supervisor at a hospital, an old Asian gentleman came after hours to get his vehicle out of the garage. This guy clearly was crying and was having a shit day. I frequently get people that are very distraught, visiting ill or dying family or friends. I payed his after hours parking release of 7 bucks.


Well-Known Member
When a friend in the west found out I got laid off of work he sent me $500. I didn't ask for it and never even complained or talked about money with him. It brought a tear to my eye.

I've paid for a pregnant ladies purchase at the corner store recently. (She wasn't buying junk)