20+clones flowering


Well-Known Member
hey guys!

Everything is going good! The plants all look very healthy.

I will more and likly put some photos up tommorow sometime!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
soo im going to the Zoo lol so when i get back i will post pics of the girls if the lgiht is still on! haha

maybe ill take some cool pics of some animals ill post haha


Well-Known Member
Hey nice garden bro! Our Hawaiian Snow's are pretty much same time in flowering, will be sweet to see how they turn out!


Well-Known Member
great pics ... plants looking pretty flawless ....excellent update!! many thanks! Walking On!~


Well-Known Member
oh by the way everyone, my plants are lookin healthy as healthy can look! ill post pics tommorow just dont have much time today.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
the clones are on the trip of growing atleast an inch EVERYDAY now. Im actaully kinda waiting for the pistils to pop out so i kinda have an estimate as to when the vertical growth will stop. Im kinda predicting it will keep going like this for atleast a week or two more :)