20+clones flowering


Well-Known Member
Garden is looking very nice Skunk!!! Just put some updated pics of Hawaiian and Trainwreck up last night :D

Have fun in Miami!


Well-Known Member
Looking good skunk!! I knew you'd come through for us! I hope they get well taken care of!


Well-Known Member
hey guys!

thanks for all the support and comments!

I hope they get taken care of good as well... the firend thats doin it... im 100percent sure that hell keep up on the grils!

and if im wrong.... well ... i dont want to be wrong! lol


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you trust him. You must, to even have asked him. Enjoy your trip!


Well-Known Member
hey ya'll!!!

finally back from miami beach!

It was great down there, except that everyone else was spanish, and this mid-west boy felt out o place lol!

Ok... to the good stuff!! As soon as i walked into the door i went straight to em' and looked at em'!

and my buddy did an amazing job keeping up on them!

The first thing that i realized was almsot all the snow clones have put another foot-foot and a half(some more then 2ft!) to the top of them i was shocked... i was like omg ... wow... lol!

Now I know why the buddy i got them from says "These bitches take forever, when you think that they are done... they are far from being done!" i was like ... well ok! lol i did not presume that this wud happen.. the light turns on in a half an hr and i plan to study more in depth today lol...

I have to unpack and do shit otns of laundry(well the girl does :-D) hehe so pics pry will not come up untill tommorow due to that fact.. when i got home we drove 1500miles + and i was spent!

I had only had pry 5 hrs of sleep in 2 and a half days.. and it was car sleep .. u kno.. 20mins here... 30 mins here... 15 there... BS! and te rest i was driving! i drove straight through SC, NC, WV, V,and then the heart of it all! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm glad everything went well!! Can't wait to see the pics. It sounds like they look great!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'm glad everything went well!! Can't wait to see the pics. It sounds like they look great!
I can't wait to see the difference.

Be sure to reinforce to your friend to tell no one. loose lips sink ships. Just a friendly reminder to keep it safe.

I love road trips; driving strait through; drinking redbull; napping at oases when your eyes start playing tricks on you; getting there is half the adventure :peace:


Well-Known Member
waiting patiently ...

hahahaha ... roadtrips .... sometimes the journey is the adventure ... hahahahaha ..... loads of fun though .... one of my most memorable was after graduating college, 10 of use piled into three cars and drove to Pompano Beach and parited for two weeks ... hahahaha ... letting off a little steam after fours years o college .. hahaha ... when we left home we timed it some we would be crossing the FL border in the middle of the night, with plans to reach the beach by sun-up .... We all scarfed down homemade brownies ... and we're flying .... well a little too much seems like ... State Tropper stopped us for speeding ... but we g0ot off .... and to the beach we headed ... higher than fukin kites ... it was sooo much fun ... :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
I can't wait to see the difference.

Be sure to reinforce to your friend to tell no one. loose lips sink ships. Just a friendly reminder to keep it safe.

I love road trips; driving strait through; drinking redbull; napping at oases when your eyes start playing tricks on you; getting there is half the adventure :peace:


Well-Known Member
Glad you had a good trip Skunk! I'll try to take some pictures some time soon, been working 7 days a week for longer than i can remember now :peace:

luvvin growin

Active Member
Nice work,and I grew some of the Jack Herer,and let me tell you,it will put you on your ass!That is some GOOOOOOD smoking shit,I kept that mother almost a year before switching up,but I've got some magic beans waiting in the fridge...


:-? I'm no expert but isn't that closet a little crowded? I have a closet that size and it is crowded as hell from 6 plants that made 16 cola's. I cant immagin 20 plants. Are you moveing them to another room for full on veg?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
:-? I'm no expert but isn't that closet a little crowded? I have a closet that size and it is crowded as hell from 6 plants that made 16 cola's. I cant immagin 20 plants. Are you moveing them to another room for full on veg?
2 plats per sq ft is doable.

We're waiting for the updated pics skunk! LOL


Well-Known Member
Haha !!!

Hey guys wuts up!!!

Heres the pics!!!

See wut i was talkimng about how the ones just shot up!



Well-Known Member
cool .... thanks for the update ... you had a lot of growth ...... looking for the sun? nice and lush and healthy ....walk on!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
ya that cud b but the 1000watter is seriously like 8inches from the top of that haha w/e it seems to be growing buds on it super quick sooo...

RIGHT ON!!~~!!~~


Well-Known Member
oh sorry man ... I got mixed up ... I thought these were outdoors .... alrigtht aalright pull over, you're much to high to fly ..... hahahaha! they really do look great .... :eyesmoke:
ya that cud b but the 1000watter is seriously like 8inches from the top of that haha w/e it seems to be growing buds on it super quick sooo...

RIGHT ON!!~~!!~~


Active Member
I like this grow it looks like its gonna have a great cola to space ratio cant wait for final result everything looks healthy and green in there keep growing