20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP

I don't mean this in a bad way, BUT WTF?????????? Try to mount them across the things you have your lights hanging from at least. That way they at least will be pointing down. What are they made of? Now step away from the pipe................. That plant on the left in back looks like it has some issues. Claw action??
yea its that one with the claw action still lol no overwatering on it ether or overnuting.
I havent had time to take a light apart and make a proper reflector, i will probably try today when im done doing shit or tomorrow
those are there so im not blinded pretty much
there made of ducting
Oh ya, sorry I got distracted by the reflectors, At least they keep the light from getting in the way of the pics. That is pretty weird with the flower on the leaf. I did have a male show a preflower down near the bottom of the main stalk once.
it totally has signs of overwater but wasnt so i dont really know.
Can you post a good pic of it? Seems like it is not getting enough oxygen. I don't like using it unless I have no other choice but have you though of putting some h2o2 in the water and giving it to it. That would give it some extra oxygen?
Can you post a good pic of it? Seems like it is not getting enough oxygen. I don't like using it unless I have no other choice but have you though of putting some h2o2 in the water and giving it to it. That would give it some extra oxygen?


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Being pot bound I don't think shouldn't make it droopy. At least one's I've had were not. Just stunts them some.
that srain gets droopy when it needs a transplant for some reason lol the 2 on the right our of the same. and did the same thing when they wanted a bigger pot. and when i checked the roots on the little pot guy it was totally root filled to the top almost
I had an Afgani Gold a while ago that always looked over watered when none of the others would. Same soil, same size and same nutes. The others were different strains.