20 plants dieing leaves curling down HELP ASAP


Active Member
check soil ph it could be nutrient lock out also how humid is the room ?? if u think its a neutrience defficiency get a product made by advanced call Revive it will retore both mobil and non mobil neuts.


Well-Known Member
Your lights are too far away - excessive stretching. I am sure most are root bound or close to it by now.

Start using nutes at half strength - two weeks to see real change probably.


Well-Known Member
well my friend hashlover i think u were right the ones i gave fert too def perked up so i feed them all this morning...all should be good in a few days


Well-Known Member
here they our as of now

heres that other strain 2 weeks younger still no nutes other then the soil nutes starting nutes in a few days on it

heres some bud pron from one of the girls shes doing pretty good for being early into flower


Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
They look much better. Did you top them at all? Good idea to do that when they are young. Do some creative pruning and you'll get a much bushier plant with lots of bud sites. Kinda like mine are shaped. I'm sure they are loving the nutes. The porn shot looks great,lots of nice hairs. Now when you say you want to do 20 plants a month you really should put a goal on how much weight you want really. Then see what you need for space and all. 20 plants can produce a very different amount depending on your grow method. Shorter and bushier will produce the best per square foot of space. like doing a Sea of Green method.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Plus when you keep them shorter the light gets to more of the plant. The lower buds are not so far away. If you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
yea im going to top all my shit from now on and prune to get more sites. I see what it can do just that one in the back is topped u can see which one it is.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That's the one with the 'Y' shape right? You should top earlier if you want to get more branches coming out down low. Of course once you keep them from stretching so much that will help a lot. I top at the 3rd of 4th node when it is a seedling and then top the branches too. Makes a nice bush with lots of flower sites. And I've been getting nice fat strong stems also.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That is something for everyone to read, there would be alot less shitty grows out there if everyone just educated themselves a little bit.
But you know some people are not good at doing that. And isn't not because they are not smart. I have a son in law that is like that. Very smart kid, but to have to sit down and read a book on how to fix his truck he has trouble. But if he calls me and I explain it to him he has no trouble. It's a learning thing. It's not always because they don't want to.


Well-Known Member
god are the looking soooo much better. there all reaching for light in the morn now and dropping a little before lights off now. everything is finally going good, there on a good pattern and everything.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
i learn the same way ur son in law does essentially lol thanks for the read I had knew almost all that already tho.
Nothing wrong with that. My favorite part was the last paragraph. I read that one quite a while ago I started learning on Cannabis.com FAQ. Did a lot of reading there and in there forums.


Well-Known Member
ive read ALOT ALOT of material on the internet and books on it. im just not a real precise person, and IMO thats what growing takes and patience.
and i need that like hands on visual approach