20 Questions.


Well-Known Member

Number the question so there is no confusion. And winner gets to be asked next.

No winner? He/she goes again.

Go. (obviously I'm first :-) )


Well-Known Member
no cuz im the question master so to speak. you guys ask me a question one at a time. the first person to answer what im thinking of correctly gets to be asked next. the limit is 20 questions so if no one gets it by then it starts over with the same question master (new catagory for question). in this case me. but if you guess wronged then youre out until next level make sense?

coud easily be turned into an online drinking/smoking game.

dont wanna confuse you more for now though.... in due time


Well-Known Member
due to this being an online forum i will forgo my preconceived notions on whats good and not....

doesnt taste good to me. others possibly (side hint) doesnt neccesarily make my answer a non fictional being


Well-Known Member
Not weed or a deer!!!

Clarification. It does smoke. Like you or I. But I guess you can smoke it. Don't see why though.
