20 Yo Virgin


The Gardener
I can see the basis on youse saying get loving from a fat chic and all that stuff, lmao

But Just imagin you knocked a girl up and she had your daughter wow
And she grew up to be a big fatty ,
And you know what how all the boys will treat her,
Yes fat girls need the sausage, They dont need a laugh made out of them after it thou just because they took some meat , lmao

Then on the other side if you pull a stunner at the club 1 night Even know she was the most boring and annoying bitch ever all you wanted was in her pants lol afterwards there would laugh or joke made of her ......

I think the real reason is because on a night out someone dident get lucky any were and took home man women or beast who evers game enough haha
Then just make fun of them , Rather than them take the abuse haha

Most my friends that all fucked about all had baby girls haha they are going to be grey and bold soon if there kids want some one just like daddy lmao


Well-Known Member
Assuming a normal curve, 95% of the population requires 3.75 drunk fat chicks+/-2 standard deviations. emogirls on party drugs are known to be more effective, producing the requisite confidence level in 95% of men after 2.2 encounters +/-2 standard deviations.

So true. Had a bf who was previously engaged with a girl with the same personality disorder as I have. Coincidence? Not saying I'm "emo", but I think emotionally disturbed/disregulated qualifies into this category.

She dumped him on their wedding day. Serves him right. Asshole. Hope he dies a terrible death of gonorrhia.


Well-Known Member
So true. Had a bf who was previously engaged with a girl with the same personality disorder as I have. Coincidence? Not saying I'm "emo", but I think emotionally disturbed/disregulated qualifies into this category.
Yes. However, this is even for more common behavior for girls. Girls would rather work up their nerve dating some poor neurotic schmuck who worships the ground they walk on before splitting to trade up than go fuck some random fat dude.

She dumped him on their wedding day. Serves him right. Asshole.
Harsh, but that sounds about right. Karma's a bitch.

Hope he dies a terrible death of gonorrhia.
Down and Out in Kneehigh Park.


Well-Known Member
Assuming a normal curve, 95% of the population requires 3.75 drunk fat chicks+/-2 standard deviations. emogirls on party drugs are known to be more effective, producing the requisite confidence level in 95% of men after 2.2 encounters +/-2 standard deviations.

pure genius, oh and porchmonkey... your avatar is disturbing...


New Member
So true. Had a bf who was previously engaged with a girl with the same personality disorder as I have. Coincidence? Not saying I'm "emo", but I think emotionally disturbed/disregulated qualifies into this category.

She dumped him on their wedding day. Serves him right. Asshole. Hope he dies a terrible death of gonorrhia.
Its his fault you chicks are crazy?


Well-Known Member
Its his fault you chicks are crazy?
If I read it right, this guy was looking for girls with the same particular emotional disorder because he liked the specific vulnerabilities it creates (whatever it is, doesn't really matter.) That's a little too predatory, I think.


Well-Known Member
I've been the first time for just the sake of being the first time. Spread the word through your friends... let them giggle and laugh as long as it gets back to some females in your circle of friends. One of them eventually is gonna be sitting there thinking 'to have someone always remember sex with me... even if it was only once? Yeah I'll fuck him.'

Or hit a bar close to closing time doll. Chat em up a little bit and be honest. I know it just might be shocking but women do want to get laid no strings attached sometimes. And those women all aren't crazy either (glances around). Look for the woman sitting alone (not the one with tears in her eyes) look for the chick that scans the room - she's hunting for prey. She may be intimidating to approach but do it anyway and straight out tell her what you are looking for. Don't be sleezy and don't be creepy - if she feels unsafe with you she is going no where with you.

Your young so just be safe - always condoms. Do all your experimenting now while your young and single, that way when you find the one you want to stick with - there are no regrets or wondering what this or that would be like. Same advice I'de give my sons so it comes from a place of honesty and love.


Active Member
wow. men really are assholes. i feel sorry for all the fat girls that have been used for such purposes...almost makes them look like pawns, and hot chicks the queens or something...not right. I personally wouldn't want to know how many ugly, fat, mentally unstable, drunk/drugged or stupid women a dude had to fuck before he grew the balls he needed to be able to talk to me.
Holy shit, I honestly just lolled. Reffering to them as "pawns" was a really nice touch!


Active Member
Wow this has been a great 4 pages.

Get ready to take notes. lol JK or you might want to light a bong for this bongsmilie

Ok, if your not at a large college get to one NOW (cities will do but large a college is that place to be). I lost my virginity at 14 to a crazy ass 19 year old. Those were the days lol. Well you are most likely get nervous as fuck around girls. I know how you feel(it happens to the best of us) and the last girl I dated(had a decently long term relationship with) ended up in Playboy. I get nervous all the time still. Personally, I've never gotten laid high EVER not even once. If you are a paranoid smoker it makes you nervous and lots of girls HATE nervousness (now on the other hand some girls get off to that stuff). So my suggestion is find a drink that makes you talk go out to parties and mingle. If a girl wants to talk to you, you will know talk, ask for numbers don't text/call a lot girls can get annoyed quick with that basically if you text her let her know it's you you can text the night you get the number normally one text will do if she replies talk. Or you can wait to call her until the next day only call if she does not pick up leave a voicemail until she calls you back only call once. If a girl is really hot you might try again in a few days to a week sometimes texts don't go through or she was passed out or something. But, remember once you get a number that does not have to be the end of the conversation at hand you can still talk and flirt or drunkenly kiss, make out, etc... etc... Also, remember to at least say hi to girls you've met before some girls this means a lot to and a small amount competition is "normally" not a bad thing. If you get the cold shoulder DON'T GET SHY OR CLAM UP go talk to someone else there are plenty of people that will boost you up don't let one person run your night. Also, another tip at a bar DON'T BUY GIRLS DRINKS most girls want just that a drink. I mean if your talking to a girl and she wants a drink after you've been talking a while thats one thing but a girl who just says buy me a drink means RUN talk your way out of it some how. And of course tip your bartenders(it's just a good habit). Ok, now if any of this does not work buy Superflirt by Tracy Cox (Really you might need to buy the book anyway. I've had alot of fun using some of the info in the book). Read the book. If you can't get some after that man I don't know what to tell you. The book will not get you laid but it will help you know what to and not to do and even better how to use eye contact. Do I sound like a fucking infomercial yet? bought the book because I was in a book store with a friend of mine that is obsessed with her. It turned out to have some pretty good pointers in it. I wish I had had it in high school. Getting laid can be as easy as a girl saying.
They were talking about showers or something.
Girl:"ya know, I've never had sex in a shower"
Guy:"Me nether" Guy smiles
Girl:"ummm... Well do you want to"
Guy:"aaa aaa umm... Well yeah sure"


That happened to a guy I know in your situation at 18 on spring break last year and let me tell you that girl was HOT.

PS: You can alway get a job at a bar as a barhelper or something. But, I would put that as a last resort. Good luck my friend.


Active Member
Ohh, I didn't put this in the last post hoping you would know shower daily, brush your teeth(a must for pot smokers), wear deodorant, dress somewhat nice in clean clothes. Then again I thought about some people I've met before that were totally clueless on cleanliness .


Active Member
I'll pass along a few more hints...

1) Go somewhere where people don't know you. There are no preconceived notions of who you are supposed to be.
2) Enjoy yourself. Once you can get past the "worst that can happen", you'll do fine. Pick out the hottest single girl in the bar and go get rejected. Get it out of the way. For me, getting past this made all the difference in the world.
3) Try to hook up with some guys that have confidence. Everyone has the friend that is just clueless. I actually had to drag mine aside and tell him the girl wanted him. When a chick is going out of her way to do things with a guy (especially boring-ass guy things) she's interested at some level. Moreover, when your friends offer to leave let them :mrgreen:.

Have fun, be confident (not cocky) and don't pull out the drama if you're rejected.


Well-Known Member
Just keep yer cherry until you can lose it the right way! Nothing sadder than a desperate hard dick looking for any old hole.Find a girl you like and actually be nice! Compliment her,talk to her,share freaking interests.I saw you are broke no problem! Just pick her a flower "they're free",go on a picnic with a cheap bottle of wine.Trust me you will get a lot more satisfaction out of it than if you just lied to woman or paid for her.We ladies aren't so hard to figure out once all the blood returns to your brain.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Everyone has the friend that is just clueless. I actually had to drag mine aside and tell him the girl wanted him.
Damn it, I am that guy! :mrgreen: I seriously started hanging with guys who get lots of chicks just so I could pick up pointers. I'm comfortable with girls on a platonic level, but I swear I'm semi-autistic when it comes to picking up how people are feeling and what their intention are. I'm not an emotionless bugger, but I'm pretty closed, I don't let things show to just anyone, and people think I'm cold because of it, I guess I picked it up from my dad.