200 gallon pots supersoil.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
So being just a month or so away from putting plants outside im trying to figure what i should use for my soil in 2 , 200 gallon smart pots. Plants going into them will be 6 weeks vegged in 10 gallons. i grow with vegan organic bottle nutrients in soilless as of now. Would this method be reasonable still? Or is there a good recipe for such a large container? Subcools recipe is 7 gallon pots?

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
Man that would be a lot of ss to make and it wouldnt be ready for at least 6 weeks. Maybe buy compost and topsoil form a garden supply store and mix in your own amendments and stuff into it. Make friends with teas or be ready to buy a lot of bottled nuits. Both ways will work it's all about how much you want to spend


Well-Known Member
If your just starting your clones you could probably get away with using 100 gal pots. cost u half the price is soil


Well-Known Member
You don't really need to use Subcool's recipe bro, as long as your plants get the nutrients they need.
I'd just go and buy some organic soil, vermiculite, perlite, coco and maybe some bat guano and make my own mix.
As for nutrients, the bio-bizz range has served me well, and they're organic #justsayin

personal lux

Well-Known Member
I hear you there. I was thinking of mixing fox farms ocean forest with some promix and perlite and that shiuld suffice while the roots are expanding i figure. Ill fresh feed with beneficials every week. Im def prepared to buy the nutes i use well over 4 to 5 gallons of base every run as is. But i use general organics, subcultures, humboldt bloom 0-10-0, technaflora ss 1-1-16 as PK. Hygrozyme enzyme.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
Id really like to keep anything in the soil vegan, no guanos. Having trouble finding a good recipe for a soil build though :/