2000 Watt Grow Journal - Columbian Blueberries!

The Growery

Active Member
The dry cab looks awesome man, how big is it? Looks ginormous!!

thanks man, I'm really proud of it. it measures 6ft.H x 8ft.L x 5ftW. wish I could have made it a bit taller but you can see in the pictures I'm limited by steam pipes hanging from the ceiling

The Growery

Active Member
Well I got my electric bill from last month... $390! Come to find out that it was getting down to mid 40s in the basement causing 3000w of heaters to run all night every night. Kind of a headache but what can ya do. I've unplugged all heaters and ran my steam boiler (I have radiant heat in my house) which seems to have done the trick and kept the basement in the low 60s. It's been around 30F outside during nights... god I wish it would get warmer soon. I think lesson learned though, not going to be growing over the winter next year, just too costly to maintain the heat for lights off.


Well-Known Member
I totally feel u there, even though i might live in a warmer climate than you the cold weather has been putting a damper on my winter grow spirit!



Well-Known Member
haha ya no matter what seems like it always happens that way, but fuck at least u know its good quality herb for ur money :)

Im going to still grow in the winter but try other solutions to try and maintain a effective/efficient grow cycle.


The Growery

Active Member
yeah that's a good point man, i saw a documentary where the distributor would soak the week in coca cola to form it into bricks... nasty!


Well-Known Member
hey man a friend of mine had the same issue, he used these insulating bricks for a floor of the cab. i think they are the kind that you line your woodstove with, anyways the heat from the lights during the day warmed the bricks up and they radiated heat all night.

also plants are pretty resilient and as long as the roots dont freeze they are pretty hardy with cooler tempratures. last summer my plants survived through 3-4 heavy hitting frosts. ended up having to chop early due to bud rot but the frosts didnt kill them.

also a reptile heating mat in between them bricks works well too and they are probally only 100w you dont need to maintain temps in the 60-70's just keep them above freezing.

another thing you can do is run the lights at night when the coolest temps are about, then lights off during the day while its slightly warmer.

The Growery

Active Member
thats a pretty badass idea, will consider this in the future as the need arises. for now unplugging all electric heaters and turning on the house heat to 64F over night keeps the basement and grow rooms in the low 60s, I just hope it ends up being cheaper to heat this way vs. electric heaters. last couple nights they read 60F, which I guess is going to be ok. I was just concerned about stunting bud growth.

I had considered lights on during nights and I should have done that but it's too late for me now to change the light cycle i would think. I'll do this for next grow though. I'm just paranoid about light leaks and the cops in helicopters heh.

thanks for the ideas matt

The Growery

Active Member
nice lazy sunday perfect time to post up some new pics, 25 days into flower. sometimes i'll stare at the grow and can't believe that it's mine lol. ignore the attachment pic, uploaded an old pic by accident.




Well-Known Member
looks good, do me a favor and take pics right before lights on/off with a flash camera in the dark. like this


I just want to see what yours look like without the crappy orange effect of the HPS :)

mine are really starting to get that blueberry smell to them and the trichomes are ubbelievable for only 3 weeks into flower.

The Growery

Active Member
looks good, do me a favor and take pics right before lights on/off with a flash camera in the dark. like this

View attachment 2122711View attachment 2122714

I just want to see what yours look like without the crappy orange effect of the HPS :)

mine are really starting to get that blueberry smell to them and the trichomes are ubbelievable for only 3 weeks into flower.
those look awesome man, those trichs look amazing. i'll post up some pics later after lights off. i agree that development seems to be pretty fast for these plants. I'm hoping they really thicken out. what kind of nutes are you using again?


Well-Known Member
I am using a bananna/earthworm castings/Apsoma organic vegatable fertilizer tea

basicly just put my EWC/Epsoma fert in a nylon sock in a bucket of water with some airstones, a few tblspoons of molasses and about 3 banannas cut up and boiled on stove for around 30 min then put into a food processor and made into a smoothie, dump that into the water for the tea and let bubble for 2-4 days


Well-Known Member
and yeah the plant seems to be growing really fast, im hoping yeild is super because my last few plants was dissapointing as far as yeild goes, i need a good Lb from 2 plants

I have a Dutch passion frisian dew that is also ScROGed that is about a week ahead of the blue cheese, here take a look

View attachment 2122839IMG_1892.jpgIMG_1893.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont have my hopes up but it would be nice, i also have a bagseed plant that is due for harvest around same time. it ended up being a hermie an has got a bunch of seeds, kinda hoping i get a few random seeds in the frisian dew and BC for some free fem beans. hermies dont really bother me, i kinda look at them as a good thing because the seeds that are produced are 95% chance to be a female and have a really low chance of being a hermie. plus its for personal use so i dont mind picking a seed out here and there and putting it away for later use :)