2000w HPS Purple Kush Scrog Medical Grow#2


Well-Known Member

STRAIGHT FIRE SON!! :bigjoint:
Wierd, but I think the MBS2 might be pack the biggest punch, but the MBS2 has a spiced oak taste and I was gonna right a smoke report last night and passed the fuck out with my laptop on my lap still when my wife came out and woke me up early this morning. So now I don't know..I will try another smoke report tonight.
They look tasty thats for sure!!
Def tasty..thanks

Cross pollinating the Purple Kush with that MSB2 would be amazing.
didin't see any seeds, but if I find some

what he^^^ said


Well-Known Member
Mmm it all looks so good. and that mbs1 looks to be some classic ginger bud ;-)

sorry to hear it wasnt exactly the weight you wanted tho :-(


Well-Known Member
Those pics of the mbs1 look somewhat similar to one of the bubba kush cuts I had last indoor session, whatever it is looks pretty darn good, sounds like both mysteries were good producers which is always nice. Im guessing my pk's are gonna average between 2-3zips/per, their not quite as stacked as the U2 or Jack. Gotta say though Ive seen quite a bit of pk over the years and it doesnt get any better than what you got there, I need to step my game up, hoping this Co2 is really going to give a boost last couple weeks, sure wish Id had it sooner. I only have 4 pks so I'll probably end up with about 1/3 of the weight you got, maybe lil more. Once again great lookin grow, whats up next? Ive spread around some rep to over 15 ppl and it still wont let me hit you up, bs, but you know you got my respect...you give your raiders a good name and thats hard to do...lol...peace out my man


Well-Known Member
Mmm it all looks so good. and that mbs1 looks to be some classic ginger bud ;-)

sorry to hear it wasnt exactly the weight you wanted tho :-(
Ginger Bud huh? Whatever it is, it is some slammer bud. I have been calling it Mystic Cream.
Yeah as for the weight I am still perplexed on why..I think it may be because last round they went 62 days and this time only 56 days..maybe the last week is when they get their density. It is crazy though, because the same jar that hel 10 oz last time only holds 7..I mean that is a huge fuckin difference. I was thinking of putting some moisture in the jars like a damp paper towel or something, but I don't want to promote mold or mildew.
damn raider......damn
your PK bud shot does look looser then last round tho IMO, so i see where the weight went possibly???
Yeah, that is what I am saying..very strange to me. I need to figure this one out.
Those pics of the mbs1 look somewhat similar to one of the bubba kush cuts I had last indoor session, whatever it is looks pretty darn good, sounds like both mysteries were good producers which is always nice. Im guessing my pk's are gonna average between 2-3zips/per, their not quite as stacked as the U2 or Jack. Gotta say though Ive seen quite a bit of pk over the years and it doesnt get any better than what you got there, I need to step my game up, hoping this Co2 is really going to give a boost last couple weeks, sure wish Id had it sooner. I only have 4 pks so I'll probably end up with about 1/3 of the weight you got, maybe lil more. Once again great lookin grow, whats up next? Ive spread around some rep to over 15 ppl and it still wont let me hit you up, bs, but you know you got my respect...you give your raiders a good name and thats hard to do...lol...peace out my man
If you have 4 and they vegged enough you shuold get over a 1/2 pnd. I had a couple pks that were probably between 3-4 ounces and a couple that were under 2 so mine had some variance because of the cuttings..last time I just cut a few off all the plants even the smaller ones, the ones I just started in flower are all cut from the strongest two of the last round..so I hope they are a little more consistant. Thanks for the compliment man..I know that must be hard for a 9er fan. lol

Oh the names I came up with are MBS1 is Mystic Cream and the MBS2 is Spice Creek.


Well-Known Member
Hey a little advice from anyone who has experience with buds that are too dry. My buds after 24 hours in jars are still tooo crispy...so I have heard of the damp paper towel or fan leaves..which is better. I don't want ot use any fruit or orange peels, but if anyone has a good method of adding a little moisture back to the buds please share. Also, just to share my experience..do not dry your bud at 70 deg..to warm and they dry too fast..I will be using 60-65 deg from now on.
hey raider! sorry to hear about the dryness, i know it blows but it happends to the best of us. in my experience, dont try to rehydrate the buds. ive used everything from orange peels, papertowels, apple skins (ultra thin), fan leaves, ect. it always comes out a little off. i know its a real ball buster but it just wieghs a little less it will smoke just as well and be just as potent, it just doesnt get the great flavors and aromas, also take smaller doses as it will burn MUCH faster. this minor loss of flavor and aroma is much better than the tragedy you will face after trying to rehydrate! hahaha

this isnt to say that noone can rehydrate to perfection, maybe im just doing it wrong. methods anyone?


Well-Known Member
hey raider! sorry to hear about the dryness, i know it blows but it happends to the best of us. in my experience, dont try to rehydrate the buds. ive used everything from orange peels, papertowels, apple skins (ultra thin), fan leaves, ect. it always comes out a little off. i know its a real ball buster but it just wieghs a little less it will smoke just as well and be just as potent, it just doesnt get the great flavors and aromas, also take smaller doses as it will burn MUCH faster. this minor loss of flavor and aroma is much better than the tragedy you will face after trying to rehydrate! hahaha

this isnt to say that noone can rehydrate to perfection, maybe im just doing it wrong. methods anyone?
I just put some fresh cut fans in the jars and am planning on leaving them in there just for a few hours. I am with you on not trying to hard to rehydrate, I figure a few hours will give the leaves a chance to shrivel a bit and then I will pull them out. I did smoke all three of them and they have some good flavor already, just a little more crispy than I like.
Thanks for the heads up man, that re-inforces my decision to take them out in a few hours and not leave them in overnight.
no prob man. and youre probably right on the money with using the fan leaves and only leaving them in for a short amnt of time. glad that youre happy with the end result tho! that makes all the hard work worth it!:weed:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
no prob man. and youre probably right on the money with using the fan leaves and only leaving them in for a short amnt of time. glad that youre happy with the end result tho! that makes all the hard work worth it!:weed:bongsmilie
That is the truth man and the smoke is amazing even before the cure proccess so I am happy with it. I am just gonna have to decide if I want to keep the PK going much longer or pop some new seeds. I think the extra 5 or 6 days probably could have made the density difference. I mean the buds are bigger and I ended up with less of the little sit under the canopy by more pruning, I also didin't water the last 5 days so they were pretty dry when I cut them which could have been the issue to. I am still learning this shit and am confident that I will get it dailed in. The qp per plant from the bad seeds is incouraging for sure and the MBS2 could have definatly went another week so could potentially pull 5+ zips a plant.


Well-Known Member
Raider bro, I thought about your yield issue all day. Here is my thoughts in a nut shell.

This is only our second grow man, the smallest things make the biggest got dang difference, that is the main thing I learned.

You pulled off one hell of a grow man, lemme try n express visually. :-P :clap: :bigjoint::lol: :eyesmoke: :mrgreen: :hug: :hump::hump::hump: 8-). I will be upset if you are even slightly disappointed with this grow. I still think the gland production was higher this round, at least from the pics, I can only wish to taste your PK.

You have a huge space any chance of just keeping one or two PK around every round.

My OG looks like a different strain this run. The two casey look very different due to little difference in the medium, one is pure coco and the other is cut with 20% vermicrop, the nugs on side with the son agro hps with added blue spectrum seem frostier, and tad bit on the more mature side.

I am thinking about switching one of the 6er to MH from HPS, to get the UV kickin for some extra gland production.

Any thoughts?

this crack x kandy that I had is insane I think I rambled a good bit.


Well-Known Member
Raider bro, I thought about your yield issue all day. Here is my thoughts in a nut shell.

This is only our second grow man, the smallest things make the biggest got dang difference, that is the main thing I learned.

You pulled off one hell of a grow man, I will be upset if you are even slightly disappointed with this grow. I still think the gland production was higher this round, at least from the pics, I can only wish to taste your PK.

You have a huge space any chance of just keeping one or two PK around every round.

My OG looks like a different strain this run. The two casey look very different due to little difference in the medium, one is pure coco and the other is cut with 20% vermicrop, the nugs on side with the son agro hps with added blue spectrum seem frostier, and tad bit on the more mature side.

I am thinking about switching one of the 6er to MH from HPS, to get the UV kickin for some extra gland production.

Any thoughts?

this crack x kandy that I had is insane I think I rambled a good bit.
Thanks Brother. I really do appreciate your opinion beause we are both close to the same place on the learning curve. You just got me thinking, I did add the perlite to the coco.. I wonder if that could have anything to do with it.

I am definatly not dissapointed with the grow, I just am trying to wrap my head around it. I think I need to stop changing too many things at once so I can dial in what the effects are of the tweaks. I am stoked on the end product man..I have some killer bud and I didn't know shit about growing 9 months ago..now I have two successful grows under my belt am on day 5 of flower again lol crazy. I have the best smoke around so I must be doing something right...right? lol I have friends that have been growing for years that are asking me how I got the pk to come out so perfect, which makes me feel good about what I am doing.
I am just pretty humble and my toughest cridict..so I will always feel like I can do better.
I am very greatfull for all the great freinds I have made on RIU and the advice I have recieved from everyone especially you bud!

As for my opinion on switching the 600 to mh, I am not sure how that would work since the light distribution wouldn't be even to all the plants, but it owuld be a great side by side if you put the same strains under each light.


Thanks Brother. I really do appreciate your opinion beause we are both close to the same place on the learning curve. You just got me thinking, I did add the perlite to the coco.. I wonder if that could have anything to do with it.

I am definatly not dissapointed with the grow, I just am trying to wrap my head around it. I think I need to stop changing too many things at once so I can dial in what the effects are of the tweaks. I am stoked on the end product man..I have some killer bud and I didn't know shit about growing 9 months ago..now I have two successful grows under my belt am on day 5 of flower again lol crazy. I have the best smoke around so I must be doing something right...right? lol I have friends that have been growing for years that are asking me how I got the pk to come out so perfect, which makes me feel good about what I am doing.
I am just pretty humble and my toughest cridict..so I will always feel like I can do better.
I am very greatfull for all the great freinds I have made on RIU and the advice I have recieved from everyone especially you bud!

As for my opinion on switching the 600 to mh, I am not sure how that would work since the light distribution wouldn't be even to all the plants, but it owuld be a great side by side if you put the same strains under each light.
im the same way maybe even overly critical of myself when it comes to growing i want deep green perfect leaves all the way throu and nice even yellowing leaves at the end like my grandma used to say thou " how does it feel to want" just a thought about yield purp is one of the worst yielding best strains around connoiour ganja def descibes this plant ive seen three foor plants yield about 7 grams


Well-Known Member
Thanks Brother. I really do appreciate your opinion beause we are both close to the same place on the learning curve. You just got me thinking, I did add the perlite to the coco.. I wonder if that could have anything to do with it.

I am definatly not dissapointed with the grow, I just am trying to wrap my head around it. I think I need to stop changing too many things at once so I can dial in what the effects are of the tweaks. I am stoked on the end product man..I have some killer bud and I didn't know shit about growing 9 months ago..now I have two successful grows under my belt am on day 5 of flower again lol crazy. I have the best smoke around so I must be doing something right...right? lol I have friends that have been growing for years that are asking me how I got the pk to come out so perfect, which makes me feel good about what I am doing.
I am just pretty humble and my toughest cridict..so I will always feel like I can do better.
I am very greatfull for all the great freinds I have made on RIU and the advice I have recieved from everyone especially you bud!

As for my opinion on switching the 600 to mh, I am not sure how that would work since the light distribution wouldn't be even to all the plants, but it owuld be a great side by side if you put the same strains under each light.

You welcome bro. I have learned a lot from you. I am thinking of going all H&G. It does turn out to be pretty cost effective. Seriously dude anything you do in your grow convinces me easy that it must be right cuz look at the BOMBdankDIZZLYdoodleShnitzle he got growing.

No doubt you got two very successful runs under your belt or more like in your lungs.

For experimenting I have come to a conclusion that my tiny little medicine garden is too small for experimenting one factor at a time. It would take me 30 years to test the few 100 products I am interested in.

So I am gonna take a page from your book and next round just fux with the H&G line up.


Well-Known Member
im the same way maybe even overly critical of myself when it comes to growing i want deep green perfect leaves all the way throu and nice even yellowing leaves at the end like my grandma used to say thou " how does it feel to want" just a thought about yield purp is one of the worst yielding best strains around connoiour ganja def descibes this plant ive seen three foor plants yield about 7 grams

I appreciate the words. I picked pk becuase of the quality and I still love it. It is the perfect combination of pain releif, taste, and ability to function for me. I like that it doesn't give the munchiues too bad. I have heard the same thing about the pk yeilds, I guess 60 gms per plant isn't bad. Like Bender said, I will probably always have some pk in the mix, unless I discover something better.
Oh and I will be starting another thread soon for grow #3..I have just been a little hgiher than normal the last few days and a bit lazy. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the words. I picked pk becuase of the quality and I still love it. It is the perfect combination of pain releif, taste, and ability to function for me. I like that it doesn't give the munchiues too bad. I have heard the same thing about the pk yeilds, I guess 60 gms per plant isn't bad. Like Bender said, I will probably always have some pk in the mix, unless I discover something better.
Oh and I will be starting another thread soon for grow #3..I have just been a little hgiher than normal the last few days and a bit lazy. :bigjoint:

Lol I could tell you were high the last few days on the latest harvest, you were MIA on RIU, especially my thread ;)


Well-Known Member
You welcome bro. I have learned a lot from you. I am thinking of going all H&G. It does turn out to be pretty cost effective. Seriously dude anything you do in your grow convinces me easy that it must be right cuz look at the BOMBdankDIZZLYdoodleShnitzle he got growing.

No doubt you got two very successful runs under your belt or more like in your lungs.

For experimenting I have come to a conclusion that my tiny little medicine garden is too small for experimenting one factor at a time. It would take me 30 years to test the few 100 products I am interested in.

So I am gonna take a page from your book and next round just fux with the H&G line up.

LMAO, my wife just asked me what I was laughing at when I read the "BOMBdankDIZZLYdoodleShnitzle". I figured we keep running out of adjetives so why not just start making some crazy shit up ..lol I really am happy with the H&G I don't think you can go wrong with it. I am gonna check out this Bloom vendor this weekend that is gonna be at a local grow shop that is giving free samples and huge discounts, but I am a little skittish to change my nutes now that I have the H&G dialed in now. If it is free though I might do a little experimenting some time down the road. I totally agree man with all the shit out there, if you find a good system that works for you than why fuck with it.