2010 ballot!!!!!!! CALIFORNIA


Well-Known Member
The Los Angeles City Council will debate regulations for medical cannabis collectives again on Tuesday, and may vote to adopt an ordinance that day. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is calling on supporters of safe access to help make final improvements to the draft regulations. Your representative on the Los Angeles City Council needs to hear from you in advance of Tuesday’s City Council meeting. Please take a moment to day to make a call or send an email asking him or her to make the changes listed below.
What: Los Angeles City Council Meeting
When: 10:00 AM * Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Where: Room 340, City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles 90012
You can locate your representative on the City Council by typing your address in the box labeled “My Neighborhood” near the bottom of the page at http://www.lacity.org or calling 311 (from inside Los Angeles).
Choose one or all of these topics to frame your comments:
1. It is not necessary to have a cap on the number of regulated medical cannabis collectives in Los Angeles. But if we must have a cap, it should be high enough to meet the needs of patients in the city. Based on current demand for safe access, seventy collectives are not enough. (Section
2. Even LAPD Chief Charlie Beck agrees that collectives are not magnets for crime. Requiring collectives to be located 1,000 feet from a laundry list of sensitive uses and any residential property will make it impossible to find a location suitable for patients. Let collectives locate in regular commercial zones, just like pharmacies and doctor’s offices, without restrictions on residential uses. (Section
3. Patients may need to visit more than one collective to find the right medicine at a reimbursement cost that works for their budget. The ordinance should not limit them to membership in only one collective – especially since state law already limits how much medicine a patient can have. (Section
4. State law does not require every member of a collective to grow medicine at the same place. The City Council should change the definition of a collective to exclude the phrase “at a particular location.” (Section
5. Patients’ privacy must be protected. The draft requires that the name and address of patients who receive medicine be recorded in records subject to inspection. This is unnecessary and must be removed. Strike subsection 8 from Section
You may have other issues you want to discuss with your City Council representative. You can download the latest version of the draft ordinance http://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/200 … 4-0010.pdf


Well-Known Member
Craig X Rubin, father of 7 and pastor of Temple 420, has been fighting the good fight since 1993. In his two most recent cases he has been acting in pro per. Things are about to change! Jennifer Soares, the hot new face of medical marijuana legal advocates has been retained to take this case to trial. Unlike other seasoned marijuana legal experts, Jennifer's advise is to take individual cases to trial and establish legal precedence and real change through the legal system. There are a few pioneers left in this country with the fortitude to withstand the ostrisidation of community, restriction of freedom and infliction of poverty to stand up for what they believe in. Mr. Rubin is one of those individuals. The District Attorney on the case has offered Mr. Rubin a generous plea deal. But Mr. Rubin and his attorney, Jennifer Soares, have rejected any offer. It is imperative that we show our support for those willing to put their freedom on the line for the greater good of the cause. Please show up to support Mr. Rubin in his efforts to stop the City Attorney and the District Attorney in their unconstitutional eradication tactics.
His trial begins on Thursday February 25, 2010 at the LAX Courthouse at 8:30 AM in Department D. We need as many as you that are available to show up in support of Craig for this court date. Please dress professionally and obey all rules of the court. If you have press contacts, please let them know. KABC has already committed to covering the trial.
Watch this clip for a brief history of Mr. Rubin's experience.
If you have any questions regarding Mr. Rubin's representation or future court dates, please contact Susan Soares at susan@cinelounge.us
You can also contact Mr. Cooley and Mr. Trutanich to express your concern of their intentional disregard of the Compassionate Use Act and the Medical Marijuana Protection Act.
Steve Cooley: There are three ways to contact us.
E-Mail us directly at webmail@da.lacounty.gov.
Go to our Contact Form below and submit it if your email program doesn't work.
US mail to:
District Attorney's Office
County of Los Angeles
210 West Temple Street, Suite 18000
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3210
Telephone (213) 974-3512
Fax (213) 974-1484
TTY (800) 457-7778
(8:30am - 5:00pm M-F)
Carmen Trutanich: MAIL:
The Office of the City Attorney
800 City Hall East
200 N. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 978-8100
(213) 978-8312

WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT! Please do what you can to be there.