2010- Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Alright ill post the resent pics of my newly remodeled grow room once i get a couple ppl that are interested
but in the mean time, im going to be postin my legitly first grow ever in 2010 ( The reason why my last thread said it was my first grow is cuz this is my offical first one cuz of all the equipment )
Anyway... This was my Mini Skunk Plant
mini skunk.jpg Mini Skunk 4.jpgMini Skunk 7.jpgmini skunk 9.jpgmini skunk6.jpgmini skunk3.jpgMini Skunk5.jpgmini Skunk 8.jpgView attachment 2074694skunky.jpg


Active Member
Oh this was from a few years back
just wanted to make a thread with the pics I had
im about to continue my flower thread tho, you should check it out