2011 Socal Spring Balcony Grow


Active Member
Whatsup RIU!!! I love Southern California! So this is my second balcony grow... I kinda f'd up the first grow by just putting some moms out on the balcony in March and ended up with a spring harvest, so I decided to try and do it right this time.

So the strains I've got this time are Larry OG, Madman OG, GDP, LA Woman, Sour Kush, and BH Bubba (was told it means beverly hills... not sure of exact genetics).

sorry in advance for the long first post, but hope it's all good details! :clap:

I snagged the clones from a local collective (changed it up from the first grow - had way too many issues with PM and bugs to not worry about the collective they came from). I had them under 24/0 CFL lights for about 5 weeks before I put them outside, and we're now into weeks 4 and 5 of flowering! And because I know I'll be asked - yes, I live i a south - facing apartment, and the girls get maybe 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day, plus a few more of indirect.

I also topped 4 out of the 6 plants to try my hand at cloning, and the plants responded VERY positively to it! I wish I had done all 6! The only issue is some of the leaves in the bottom kind of getting blocked out by the leaf canopy above, but I've been rotating them and trying to help them out. I do have some holes drilled on top of most of the containers, so hypothetically I could take some string and train the plant, but honestly I guess I'm just lazy... I had fairly good success cloning - 3 out of 4 made it! Only 1 really took to the soil, and the other ones just kinda looked sad... I had to water the 1 good one, so I figured what the hell, might as well keep watering the pathetic ones, and after a while - HOLY MOLY they're growing! Awesome!

My major concern is the odor these badboys are gonna put out.... Last time I had 4 plants with 4 colas - now it's 6 plants with around 15 colas!! In the last weeks of the first grow, if the sliding door was open, the room in my apartment was CRAZY SMELLY. Awesome for yield, scary for apartment living - good thing a lot of people in my building are super old.

Running FFOF/LW/perlite soil mix with the FF trio of liquids (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom), as well as 2 of their soluables (went with Beastie Bloomz and Cha-Ching... i just didn't feel like shelling out the extra $ for 2 weeks of Open Sesame.. most people seemed to love the 2 i got and didn't see as many rave reviews on Sesame - hopefully i won't regret it). And of course I'm PH'ing the nute solution before I water.

I decided not to put them all out at once so I could manage the harvest a little better, but man, did that make my nutes schedule a little confusing. So much easier just knowing what week EVERY plant is and make sure they get the proper nutes. Won't be doing that again! LA Woman and GDP started a week later than the rest.

I have done zero for pest / mold prevention, and they're all still looking super great this far out. Last time they started crawling with stuff around now... I do have some Green Cure if it becomes a problem. Thought about neem, but then I didn't do anything about it, LOL....

Here are my pics (don't know why the full plants ones are sideways... can't seem to change that) - feedback is always welcome and appreciated! It's only my 2nd grow... hopefully, if all goes well, I will be able to sneak in grow cycle #3 this year too! The picture of all 6 is hidden in the bottom left, and you can kind of see my set up.. they're just chilling on a blue tarp, and I blocked out the side with a brown tarp. Simple!



Active Member
do you think i need to worry about revegging? When I harvest them on On April 21, there will be 13 hours of daylight. The last ones to should be harvested on May 8th, and there will be 13.6 hours. Do you think I need to cut them off from the sun an hour early or should I just let it ride?


Active Member
Those are really green healthy plants. You still think you will have a April 21 harvest date?
No, I realized I counted the weeks wrong (started with 1 and not 0, such a dumb mistake!).... so it should be April 28th thru May 15th. The daylight goes up to like 14+ hours by mid-May, so I'm trying to figure out a way to rig a tarp to cover them after 12 hours of sun. But these girls are looking fantastic so far!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, to me those plants don't appear to be only 2 weeks from harvest. What do you think? Am I reading your journal correctly, that you want to harvest in 2 weeks? Damn, those just seem like they should go longer than that. I'll keep watching to see the outcome.


Active Member
Hmm, to me those plants don't appear to be only 2 weeks from harvest. What do you think? Am I reading your journal correctly, that you want to harvest in 2 weeks? Damn, those just seem like they should go longer than that. I'll keep watching to see the outcome.
sorry, somehow I missed this post...

I miscalculated by a week, so according to the flowering time that the dispensary gave me, the Bubba plant should finish in 13 days. It doesn't really look like it will to me, either, but I'll check the trichs with a microscope and see whats up when the time comes.. I will say that they are getting frosty as fuck, but I am concerned I won't get nice fat nugs. Of course it's spring and they might reveg blah blah but I was hoping it might happen LOL The smell is insane right now.. I go to bed at night with the sliding door open, and i fall asleep in a haze of mj aroma!


Active Member
I just read they say the BH Bubba has a flowering time of 7-8 weeks, so hypothetically it could be done in 3 days?!? it don't look like it to me... maybe I should check it with the microscope. Maybe I need to flush this bitch lol

