2012 - Is there really going to be a life changing event? Or is this just all talk??


Well-Known Member
The mayan calendar is a cycle. It doesn't say the world is going to end it just means there's going to be a new cycle to their calendar. Saying the world is going to end in 2012 according to the mayan calendar is like saying the world is going to end january 1st because december is the end of our cycle.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
I heard that on 2012 The sun will be aligned in the direct center of the milky way: our glaxaxy. That could cause some shit to happen But I don't know.. Myans were much more advanced then us IMO I also heard they predicted EVERY SINGLE one of our disasters, I heard they predicted the great depression and world war II. They built a temple that every hundreds years or so the equinox hits the center of it and produces serpant shadows, these guys were legit.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
and also keep in mind that a catholic guy destroyed 90% of their writings, and tried turning them catholic, I believe if we had their writings we would know much more about this life

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
^ Ya ive actually read that the catholic monks are actually the ones who wrote the 2012 prediction.. From what i understand after they burned almost everything they felt bad so tried to re-write alot of the stuff but most of it was just completely made up..

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Why would they write up random predictions?

Please dont ignore facts I dont want to fish out the links proving my point

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
No catholic guy felt bad and tried re-writing a civilization, something is going to happen in 2012, Im not sure but something will happen. These guys even worshiped stars that were'nt visible without a telescope, dont trust me on this but look it up yourself


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be so fucking retardedly comatose high 2012, I really wont give a fuck. That's my plan. Because even if nothing happens (which nothing will) it'll be a good excuse to take a zip to the dome of some BOMB!


Well-Known Member
something will happen in 2012 - life will go on.

any vague prediction can be said to have come true depending on how you interpret it.

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
And also, It's pretty sad that just now we are questioning how ancient Egyptians moved 100 ton blocks, and carved intricate designs in stones " by hand" ya fucking right! open your eyes, wayyyy back then They did have advanced shit to move 50,000 pound blocks, they cant explain the desings in some pyramids to this day. Weird random tunnells all over, sometimes we get too caught up in the future and dont study what has been done in the past, cause very few know the truth

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
Not exactly, who else believes 20 ton blocks can be stacked hundreds of feet in the air without machine use?

edit: Did I just destroy all your guy's logic?


Well-Known Member
pulley systems can easily handle 20 ton bricks when designed correctly.

you haven't destroyed anyones logic but your own.


Well-Known Member
And also, It's pretty sad that just now we are questioning how ancient Egyptians moved 100 ton blocks, and carved intricate designs in stones " by hand" ya fucking right! open your eyes, wayyyy back then They did have advanced shit to move 50,000 pound blocks, they cant explain the desings in some pyramids to this day. Weird random tunnells all over, sometimes we get too caught up in the future and dont study what has been done in the past, cause very few know the truth
you can move large objects on top of rollers and with enough slaves

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
pulley systems can easily handle 20 ton bricks when designed correctly.

you haven't destroyed anyones logic but your own.
Yeah I'm sure they were pulling 40,000 pound rocks on pulleys, and Im sure they could have pulled 100,000 thousand of those hundreds of feet high with no lifting mechanisms. it takes 10,000 workers per month over a 20 year span to build the Pyramids, There wouldn't be enough people in a 500 mile radius to make this possible. Your logic was just destroyed! read up before you leave us hanging with vague comments. http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_2297.shtml