2012 Will be very sad if...


Active Member
If anything is going to happen on 12-21-2012, you can be sure the world governments will use every available resourse to keep it a secret. Global panic isn't a good thing.


Well-Known Member
To be able to predict the exact date of something that catastrophic when we cannot even predict the year that volcanoes will erupt or major fault line earthquakes will happen is absolutely absurd.


New Member
ahhh, the next level of conspiracy has been revealed... nothing will happen because the govt covered it up...perfect. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think he means if something were to happen in where perhaps scientists knew for sure something was going to destroy the earth the government would do all that they could to keep the people from knowing. I believe that they would try that, but I don't think it would work.

This is all irrelevant because it is hypothetical anyways. no one knows with any real evidence when anything major will happen.


you guys want the real scientific data, then WA-BAM here ya go. Its not global warming or some prediction from the bible. Its that great big ball of fire we call the sun. Has time passes, the sun grows sun spots, small, earth-sized black spots that are much cooler then the actual star itself. Now when too many of these sun spots build up, the sun gets rid of themb by saying FUK YOU, and releases a massive explosion, full of radaition. This Solar Raditation pretty much screws us over. it eats right through the Ozone, and to fight bak the earth simply flips the magnetic poles, its a cycle. all these earthquakes, and the Iceland Eruption is the planet getin rdy to shift. im probably missin some details, i just faced a dub in a homemade pipe i made from PVC duct tape and a bowl piece..


New Member
yes...you certainly are missing something... :lol:

The sun doesn't have too much effect on earthquakes. That comes from below....not above. :wink:


Okay I get his idea of the govt. keeping it on the down low.... but again yes, they are unable to do something like that to the public...at least not in the western world.... you have to live in place like North Korea for that, and for most of those poor bastards.... the earth's destruction would be a sweet release from the misery inflicted upon them by the same government they now live under..


New Member
If anything is going to happen on 12-21-2012, you can be sure the world governments will use every available resourse to keep it a secret. Global panic isn't a good thing.
ahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahahaha U SIR A COMPLETELY FUCKING TRUE 1000000% REP ++++ FOR YOU !!

ahah they said it would happen in 1994, 2000, 2006 and now this 2012 bull shit.... mayans made this shit up !! they say " oh we will all die in 2012 " - with there funny language, but its really funny cause all the mayans died 200 YEARS OGO, wooo fucked the dates up of there death, wouldnt let those guys plan my wedding, get the dates fucked up


Active Member
you DO realize that these pseudo-doomsday beliefs could potentially cause a good number of people to go off their ends and kill their children before committing suicide, dont you? lol...just sayin...wonder how much (if any) chaos will be happenin by then (pending on how the media dishes it all out at the time)